New member intro!

Hi Guys, Just found this neat website! Great community. I have two sons that have gone wild into the unicycle world this summer. They’re 7 and 9 years old and great riders! The young one got going in 4 hours!

What’s the youngest age that some of you started riding at?

Now that they know this site exists, I’m sure they’ll be joining soon!

Take care.

One wheel in Canada!

Welcome! You’ll love it here!

Theres no real age thats too young to unicycle. I’m actually thinking of buying y cousin of 3 years old a unicycle, so he can learn.

Good luck!

This is one of the least productive times in RSU that I’ve ever seen :roll_eyes:

The younger the better

In juggling at least. I assume uni cycling is the same. Be sure not to push them to hard at it though. The surest way to be sure a kid never grows up to be a piano player is to bore him with lessons.

I would, for really young kids, use the ice cream challenge. Promise to buy them the best ice cream bar, if they can ride so far, or do a certain thing.

Push them? Our younger son Busked on mainstreet Canmore playing his violin so he could buy his uni. Once my friends at the bike store found out about his busking, they gave it to him at cost (gave me heck for wh**ing my son :angry: )! Now he’s schooling them to ride.

Our guys ride to school 2km each way. Takes longer than I’d like as they get distracted w/ all the obstacles along the way, and I have to carry their packs.

No ice cream briberies necessary w/ these boys;)

I wish I coulda started when I was younger, not that 15 is by any means old, but to think where I could have been right now if I had started when I was 9 or so. If only my parents took me seriously when I said i wanted a unicycle then… lol