!!! new koxx one video !!!

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The requested URL /koxxone/K1_hungarian_underground_60Mo.wmv was not found on this server.

That’s what it says when I click the video.

Same with me, it says ‘page not found’
But great video anyways guys :D:D
Seriously though i can’t wait to watch it once you have fixed the link

haah man the music was so F****ing good, fK fK fK fK f**K!!!

fifthflip down that set was insane.

did he go see grandma? :smiley:


Hehe, Limp Bizkit. Havent listened to him since 6th grade.

Sweet video.

Why are K1 vids almost always flat? when you buy them does it specify that you have to ride flat with them? The flips were awesome the fithflip down the big 6 set was crazy and the trey-side-flip down the 4 was pretty nice. Shame they used all the flatland to fill it out :stuck_out_tongue:

The 5th flip down the 6 stairs was incredible.

AHH!! Stupid double post!!
Forgot to say thanks for the link jerrick

haha the phone call at the end made me laugh! Didn’t like the song much. Good flatland but they should have had alot more street in it to balance it out.

holy crap that fithflip down the 6 stair he may have hopped out but that doesn’t matter that is still freakin crazy… krisz kovacs you amazing me in every video i watch that you are in… keep it up bro

did anyone notice Kovac was using to differnt pedals (i think) nice video…but i would have liked a little mores street…

wow, thats crazy :astonished:
those crankrolls looks so hard, but very cool.

yeah I’m not familiar with any names or anything but the kid in the red shirts was really goood. he just kept doing trick after trick.

Anyone else find it funny that for all of the walkers, the cyclists were almost like unnoticed posters or graffiti?

Wow, that was so awesome. My favorite combo is the one at 4:30 even though it looks like he might have fallen over because it cuts really quickly and he is in a weird position. The 540 unispin to backroll was nice too, I tried that for my last vid but couldn’t get it.

Ive noticed that alot of people are camera shy. If they see a camera or someone filming they either want to say “hi mom” or have nothing to do with whats heppening.

Amazing, now all you need is some tech grinds and hand rails and there will be no doubt in my mind that your the best street unicyclist in the world.

Amazing, now all you need is some tech grinds and hand rails and there will be no doubt in my mind that your the best street unicyclist in the world.

Really cool riding…but the music sucked so bad! Man!

So overall didnt enjoy it
