New Inventions

Hello peoples, been some time since I’ve done this. :smiley: :smiley: This is to discuss the possibilities that your imaginations may hold.

So I was wondering, If you were paid to make a new invention/s whether it be weird, unusual, or just plain smart. What would it be??

Here are some of my ideas and reasons why i would make them.

  • Pogo stick unicycle
    If you get bored of jumping, you could change to riding

  • Expandable/Adjustable tires for all sorts of modes of transportation
    You could go from a 12" to a coker size in a matter of seconds

  • Amphibious unicycles

  • Indestructible cars
    If you have an accident, the car will restore by itself

Have fun

i would make a fuel efficient jet pack that ran on an ion engine. I would like to actually build one some time, because i believe it would actually work. (Ion engines are what the use to make speed and small directional adjustments for the space shuttles, they don’t carry enough lift to get it off the ground, but if would be plenty powerful to get a 200 pound person up.

whoopsies with the double post…dont mind me

an automatic snow shovel.

oh wait, that is a snowblower, otta get one one day.

I would make a game system that allows the blending of two games i.e. you could take out the disk of one game once the level is loaded and put in a new game to (for example) use one game’s character’s in another game’s maps.

^^That’ll probably be possible in the future…it’ll probably be forever from now, but it would be pretty cool.

Is this what you mean?? This is a drawing i have had for sometime now :smiley: :smiley:


Sort of, I mostly just meant games with in a single system. For example, If you’ve played Xbox 360, It’d be cool to put in Halo (2) and then Gears of War and play Halo Levels with Gears of War weapons (or vice versa).

Oh, i get it sorta like playing WoW and GTA SA while using WoW weapons and potions etc.


I think another invention would be GPS for the unicycle. The way it would work is you would be wearing infrared headphones and the GPS device would be attached to your seatpost. It would work by you telling it where you want to go through the headphones and the device would respond to you by voice. So if you wanted to find the nearest food/drink/maccas/subway/skate park etc. It would tell you.

they are working on this , in contain this smart polmer that when heated changes back to a "master " shape
eg samsh your car up , leave it out in the sun for a while

so a TomTom for your unicycle, they have a version for motorcycles, and scooters that comes with a bluetooth headset for inside you helmet

I would totally play as Kratos in the Katamari Damacy world.

Here’s some more inventions.

  • Surfboard unicycle (for those wanting a challenge :smiley: )
  • Hover bikes
  • Self-heating/absorbing seats for unicycles
  • ABS for unicycles :smiley: :smiley: <---- this i could use on my coker
  • Small atm
  • Unbreakable frames
  • Unicycle locater (for those who have had there unicycles stolen. They would be able to find them by using a special system that tracks the whereabouts of your precious mode of transportation)

a bow that shoots paintballs? my uncle invented, it, its amazingly fun

That’s cool. You should send me a free one, just kidding. I didn’t look on the site too much so if it says on there sorry but how much do they cost?

A small ATM as in portable, or as in about the size of a small child? because the child sized ATMs already exist, and pardon my stupidity(I’ll probably hit myself when you tell me what it means) but what is an ABS? the Unicycle locator is a good Idea, I was thinking about that a few days ago when I saw an little tracking device in the catalogue that i got my blowgun from, not, if you could somehow mount it inside your uni frame and possibly turn the uni into a giant amplifier antenna then you could acess the information through the web and always know where you unicycle(or anything else of yours for that matter) is… I’m gonna start working on that and I’ll get back to ya’ll in a few years when I get the bugs worked out…

im not sure how much, theyre still being manufactured mostly, ive put together about…50 of em for 1$ a piece