okey so we got this D-Link sucurespot thingy and it blocks ewverything (sorry about the understatement)
Youtube google myspace gabbly:( amazon.com wikipedia EVERYTHING and it has a tamperlog so if i disconnected it my parents would know and that kindof thing sorry that this is a dumb thread but these kindof internet foltes SUCK…
That sucks man…my school blocks almost EVERYthing, like freetranslation.com which is ridiculous…I’m sure there’s a way around your filter though, J_C will be here soon to tell you how.
You’ll have to talk to the parents and tell them that it’s blocking too much. Since the device is new to them they might not be aware of how much it is blocking. The parental controls can be adjusted. If they can’t the device should be returned and they should get something better.
Amazon sells sex toys. Obviously it is going to be on the block list.
Wikipedia has articles on sex topics. That’s why it’s probably blocked.
YouTube has a few videos that you have to click through saying you’re over 17 if you want to watch. That’s why it’s probably blocked.
The D-Link software allows your parents to override specific sites (like Amazon, Wikipedia, and YouTube) and allow them. Has to be done manually for each site.
So make a list of what is blocked and what you want access to. They can override those as they see fit.
open the task manager (CTRL+ALT+DEL} and then click on the proccess tab at the top and find this program and end it. Be careful not to end any other proccesses because you can seriously screw up your computer.
EDIT: But you can of course fix it. Its just a pain to go through all the hassle of it
Process Explorer by SysInternals will give you more information about the processes than the Task Manager. It will of course allow you to kill processes but it also lets you see so much more about the processes so you have a better chance of seeing what process it is that you want to kill.
The other SysInternals utilities are also very handy for this sort of process exploration.
If you kill the wrong process a reboot will fix things.
Just be aware that the monitoring software may have methods in place to detect or defeat this sort of tampering. It would be a simplistic internet filter that could be defeated by killing a process.