new guy

not new to unicycling at all. and ive been coming on here for a long time and decided to actualy register.

Welcome to the forums!

that’s one more of us and one less of them

sweet! welcome!

you desided to join at a bad time. the fourms are kinda on their way to a slump again… like we were in 05… yeah

Welcome to the forums my friend, If you have any questions or are experiencing problems with your unicycle. Don’t hesitate to ask us cause we are 1 big happy family here. We’re here to help. :smiley: :smiley:

Take care

Don’t be such a grump GhettoSmurf, rather be part of the uplifting.

Welcome Phantasma Del Mar.
That’s quite a nick you’ve got there, is it something about a monster from the sea?

Is that you in your avatar? You can unispin?


Isn’t it annoying when new members of the forum are already better than you?

might be a hick? :thinking:

why joine so late lol?

Is the unispin like the unicycle equivalent of the “can you kickflip?” question all skateboarders get asked by new skaters and just anyone in general.
If so thats great because I can unispin (not well) but I never did master the kick flip.

i dont know why i joined so late, i never really had anything to say. and ya but thats pretty much the extent of my skills, i wanna learn to crankflip and what not