New guy from Florida

Hi everyone, I just got into unicycling in the last few weeks and so far I have not learned how to ride it yet but I am not giving up. I bought a mountain and a trainer so now that I have lots of money invested I have to learn. I have always had a interest in unicycles but never pursued the sport now that I have lots of time its a good time to learn. I might also mention that I am disabled with a back injury that prevents me from doing certain things but I can ride a bike but I can’t walk very far anymore. I don’t understand why I can’t walk much but I can ride 10 miles with out any pain but I am glad I can at least ride. Unicycling might not be the best choice but I figured it might help my posture out since you do use your upper body to help balance. If anyone has any suggestions on a good way to learn or videos on YouTube please feel free to post a link for me. I look forward to getting to know all of you. Thanks

check this video out and come to Long Island!!

Greetings Ghostrider.
A few words of encouragement from my own experience. I have had lower-back issues for decades (herniated disks), but when I unicycle it seems to help/strengthen the muscles that need it, and I don’t have any back pains.
I had an auto-immune disorder last year that left me with some permanent nerve damage in my feet, and it hurts to walk (every step is painful). But with unicycling my feet don’t slap the ground all the time, and everything is great. The same disorder made me lose my balance. But unicycling brought it back.
So it’s the perfect exercise! (OK, it’s probably not perfect for everyone, but it works for me.)
Good luck with your new interest. You will find plenty of support in this forum.

Thanks guys, my injures are similar to yours Lance. I also have feet problems I don’t have any feeling in them anymore so when I am riding I find my feet tend to move around on the pedals. I use to ride the clipless pedals a long time ago but now I just use platform with studs. On my unicycle they are more aggressive than my cruiser and should help keep my feet in place. I am glad to hear that I picked a sport that will help my core strength that is my real weak point. I hope I can master this without to much damage to me and my walls, I already put a hole in my wall with the pedal the first day I got my new unicycle then I read a warning to be carful about using it inside and putting holes in the walls, well the warning was a little late but I patched it up and its good as new and I still have some putty left just in case. I bought a 20" trainer but it seems harder to stay up on than my 26". I might be because it moves faster or easier than the 26" does. At least with the 20" I am closer to the ground and feel a little safer on it when I am trying to ride it. My plan was to keep the 20" inside and ride on the rainy days I have some nice long hallways in my apartment building shielded from the rain and just use the 26" when I get the nerve up to ride it outside.