New Global Warming Documentary

Yeah… I spose. I do make some difference. Lol I drive a Prius does that count? (it is my moms though).

I knew of both sides motives. Still, to me, it seems that those who “are trying to scare us” seem to have much much less of a motive than those who are trying to leave us going the way they are going. It has gotten to a point where I no longer know what to think, so yeah, I’m not on either side.

My favorite quote,

“They want to go back to the Dark Ages and Black Plague”

Al Gore is super ceareal. If we don’t get super cereal man bear pig will kill us! He’s half pig, half man and half bear!

Quick, name the President and congress that didn’t sign on to the Kyoto Protocol?

Thank God that we didn’t sign on to that mess. The idiot countries that did sign now face a potential $46 billion penalty for not meeting the terms. Only a minority of the 37 Kyoto signatory nations may meet their pledged reductions.

Fining economies out of existence is not the way to combat global warming.

I choose to believe things which support what I already believed, or what makes sense, namely The Great Global Warming Swindle. I know I’m not old enough to understand completely everything to do with global warming, but I have done some research and I know what I do and don’t believe.
The sun is making global warming; the climate changes drastically naturally, we are not causing this change that is happening, we may be adding to it but not on a terribly large scale; just look at the research done by the ice drillings, this has happened before, most of the time an ice age followed, in prehistoric times the world has been much hotter than it is now and that wasn’t caused by us. In fact the annual average temperature has gone down in the last decade or so.

Wow…I wasn’t aware that anyone really thought about the economics of the situation…that is a good thing…thanks for your post. Some good info!!!

Another good point, but you are about to be defamed and called horrible names by those that think you are wrong.

It is akin to those that though the earth was the center of the universe, and that any contrary opinion was heresy and could get you burned at the stake…maybe that could cause global warming, so at least they won’t roast you on an open fire…just verbally assail you with insults and hatred…

The only one who has been insulting in this thread is you.

Wait. If both sides are motivated by money/control, the correct answer using this logic is to side against both. Like oil hasn’t been costing our nation almost a billion dollars a day?

I agree with Gilby the energy companies are probably going to make out like bandits no matter what. With all the record profits they’ve been having, they’d better not screw it up! They know the supply of fossil fuels is limited, and they’re making plans to expand into other areas as this happens. But they’re really good at drilling for oil (baby). That doesn’t mean it’s a good idea to go nuts for the stuff either.

I’d like to side with the science. That’s always hard, unless you’re an expert on the science yourself, because there’s usually some on both sides. Then you have to look for the scientists without financial motivation, which is also hard.

There did seem to be some science in that PowerPoint movie, if I recall. What was all that stuff with core samples and rising CO2 levels? That’s a theory. If it turns out to be right, we would seem to be in big trouble. There’s the rub. Telling people the sky is falling is craziness. Unless the sky is falling.

Yeah… Dark ages… maybe? Extreme exaggeration but I can see where they are coming from.

Black Plague though came out of nowhere.

I watched the preview and read through the web site. There doesn’t seem to be a movie yet. They’re collecting money to have a film shown, but I don’t think they’ve actually made it.

I think they are right to warn against scare-mongering. The question is what’s scare-mongering and what’s accurate? I see a lot of scare-tactics on both sides. This one represents the drill, pollute and “grow business” side. Somehow I don’t think there would be a side in opposition to this if there weren’t something going on…

I had some chips today. It had ‘made with green energy’. What the hell. I’ve heard people say this global warming thing isn’t just somebody trying to make some cash… Yeah, ok. I saw another sign like that in a local shopping area. They are really sinking as low as potato chips, I suspected it would get to this, but not this fast.

Wow. I didn’t know Al Gore hated people so much. And not those fake people I’ve been hearing about lately. No. These ones are the real ones.

And he wants us to go back to the Dark Ages, and especially the black plague. Those green collar jobs you’ve been hearing about? Total crap. More like black-collar jobs. Black from death by the plague.

And he definitely doesn’t want to create new technology. Solar? Wind? Geothermal? Tide? Hydro? Pshhh. Gore’s saying “they didn’t have those 1000 years ago, they did fine. Why do we need them now?”
Let’s just keep drilling, fueling the American spirit, killing animals, and polluting the planet. Heck, we can always get another one, and it’ll probably made in China and half the price of the one we have now!


What really got me about this one was the whole “Environmentalists are pro-bug and anti-human” spiel. Give me a break.

They didn’t mention anything about the damage pollution does to humans’ (yes, the REAL ones’) quality of life. Have we forgotten the huge rush Beijing was in before the Olympics to clean up? People couldn’t even breathe outside because there was so much pollution. Give me a break.

Some parts of this one were comical, namely, the “somewheres”, the “black plague”, the bride on the firetruck, and mostly the scary music for the environmentalists and the happy music for the non-environmentalists. And they want us to believe that the non-profit environmentalist groups are the fear mongers? Give me a break.

Al Gore < ManBearPig

I think it’s good that food companies are using environmentaly friendly technology.
It will help the planet whether Global Warming is real or not.

What’s wrong with green technology.

Some people feel bad about pumping nasty crap into the air, earth and water.

Nothing, but using it so blatantly as a marketing ploy takes away from any credibility which they didn’t already have.

Nothing is wrong with the technology, making people hate ‘evil oil companies’ with their sky rocketing profits, mean while their just trying to get their piece of the pie, is what’s wrong.

If people felt bad about it, they wouldn’t be buying chips with a stamp, they would be doing something more substantial.

A lot of “green technology” actually does more harm than good.

I like what you are saying here. This video was deeply right-side biased.

A problem I find with all conspiracy films is that although they seem to prove something, that thing is only proven if what they say in it is true. Directors stage these films as documentaries and viewers assume that just because someone appeared to have been interviewed and has said stuff in front of a camera that means its true. Anyone can act as though they are some expert scientist or researcher and say things they want people to believe in front of a camera. This is why when I now watch conspiracy films, I end up more confused and undecided than I was before, because there’s no knowing what’s real.

You wouldn’t be talking about C(ompact) F(lourescent) L(amps) would you?

Who REALLY likes pollution, dirty air or environmental disasters? I cannot think of anyone who WANTS that result.

Economies are supposed to benefit humans, right, using hindsight, everything is crystal clear. The litigious nature of our society does not encourage responsibility for actions, and that is part of the problem, as well.

It is not a simple paragraph here or there on a forum, but rather a responsibility from each of us in the decisions we make when buying from companies that create pollution.

I wonder if there is a company out there, like UL or ETL, that amounts to a “racket” when it comes to “allowing” someone to use the “Made with Green” logo…you have to pay to have them certify your business as “green compliant…”

(I do know the answer)

The litigious nature is necessary for people and COMPANIES to take responsibility for their actions. McDonalds was serving their coffee 20 degrees hotter than their competitors and had numerous complaints that it was too hot and ignored them because having it hotter had profit potential. Not having litigation encourages irresponsibility.