I was riding in the rain for a while. I headed down to the local park where I usually ride. I did all of the ledges and rocks that I usually do, but realised that I had to find a new challange.
The benches looked promising. They were high for benches though! At first, I was suprised that I could pedalgrab it (that suprisedness wore off quick). I got on it a few times and I just thought: wow. It was getting dark though, and I was getting a bit cold. I had been out in the rain for a while!
I started to head back home, on the way I saw this yellow picnic table under shelter. I didn’t expect to get anywhere on it. I tried the hop, and I made it up the first time, but I couldn’t get the landing. Second try: no good. Third, I made it to the seat! Then I tried the small(er) hop up to the table top. I made it! Then I hopped from the table top to the seat to ground. It was awesome.
I rode on this table a little while. I even tried to drop from the top down to the ground over the seat (not jumping off the end). I made the jump, but missed the landing. I decided to leave after because it was getting really dark.
It was awesome! Something new and bigger than before! Im quite pleased with myself and I cannot wait to meet with the Ottawa Unicyclists (or whatever we are called) this weekend!
The only bad thing is that the loctite only worked on one pedal, the other (the one I grab with) lost all of its pins. Even the ones on the side of the pedal that I dont grap with! Im guessing vibration caused this, but when you think about the pressure of over 100 pounds pushing down on ~0.25cm squared, you realise that there is a lot of pressure. I think that some 2 part epoxy will do the trick. Now I have to get some…
Anyway, it was awesome fun and I am so proud! Once again, yay unicycling!