New awesome shirts!

these shirts will be for sale at this upcoming Moab Muni Weekend. They are sorta limited edition(i’m not going to make them anymore) they are high quality screen printed shirts. tell me what you think!

awesome shirts

they will be 18$ a peice.

pretty cool except that i have seen more than my fill of “give blood” type shirts for quite a while

…and anything with the word “Extreme”

…and unicycling tee shirts with no unicycle included.

well I can tell that they are not going to sell well. These are my first shirts so they suck.

Hey, don’t get discouraged, at least you’re actually trying something here. All I’m doing is sitting on the sidelines critiquing.

If you’re seriously interested in making shirts, I think you can find a market…just might make sense to do the artwork first and test drive it here with your target audience. That way you’re not incurring any printing costs until it’s clear you have an attractive design.

didn’t bother me so much as that at in any given week, you can see 5-7 different “give blood” shirts on different people

Geez, guys calm down. I think they’re great but i’m going through expensive times right now and don’t have much money. Sorry.



Just doing what I do best :slight_smile:

these shirts really dissapoint me. I am an artist and will probably be going to some graphic design and arts school somewhere. My next shirts will be waaaaay better because I will put in alot of time and do some awesome artwork for it. But I just wanted to do these as sort of a project for myself.

thats the spirit

i know this guy in my english class (and yet he’s two years older than me…) that had drawn what looked like a completely ragged sleep deprived person holding an x box controller that had this big quote about how they stayed up all weekend with no food or drink playing halo… and it was awesome (end of the quote, not the shirt itself)

and i neglected to ask how many times he had to redesign that before even thinking of making it a shirt

thats some cool as screen printing

is it hard to make it with 2 or more colours?

how did you go about making them? you do it yourself or did you go to a t-shirt printing factory or wherever you get it done?

I think the shirt is beast. It would be a little better with maybe a muni on it or somethin. I have only been uniing for a little under a year, and never seen the “give blood” thing. I’d definatly buy one if i wasnt so poor. Otherwise, looks great to me.


i like the shirt more than the design. how’d you do em? i just got a really good idea for a shirt that i made awhile back and it would look awesome on that style of tee.

hey. i think they look awesome. unfortunately, i wont be going to moab. i really like the actual tshirt with the little rim around the neck and sleeve. theres no other uni shirt like that out there. i myself have never seen the words “give blood” on a tshirt before, but i have seen too much “extreme” i think. overal though, nice shirt. keep up the good work.


With silk screening its not that hard to do two colors. I used to go to a home school art class once a week and learned it there.

You have to make to screens that co-inside like what the shirts look like. Then you just use the green screen first then you would use the black over top the hardest part is lining it up (which isnt hard).

Actually I sent them to a t-shirt joint.

I’m sure you will get some buyers at Moab 2005. It’s always hard to predict how many though. You can never tell for sure what will be a big seller, based on my experience with unicycle shirts over the years.

Rolf Thompson will also probably be selling shirts to help pay for the event, so be careful not to step on his toes with your own shirts. Generally if I’m selling shirts at someone else’s event I try to make sure they bought the event shirt first, befor I sell them mine. I think Gilby sold a bunch of shirts at Moab 2004 as well.

So probably the biggest factor in whether your shirts will be good sellers is how cool will the other available shirts be?