Nerdy funnyness...


It is a sin for a nerdy geek to use anything but an HP calculator. :smiley:

O, I was expecting something funny, not something that you did.
Anyways, Direct Images FTW.

Dude, 84? Everyone has TI-89 nowadays.

The 89 is like God. If you have it on your side while taking a math test, you will get an A.

Actually, I used an HP-11C (middle of this page) in geometry class.

i had a graphing calculator once. it was given to me by my mom who bought it second hand from someone who did likewise. anyway, i was using it out by my pool (dont ask) and as i walked back to my house, i tripped and dropped the calculator in the pool. now its crap.



No, but it is a sin not to use a question mark. :wink:

Does HP still have an “enter” button and memory stack?

I’ll never forget my first, the HP29c.

The proper HP calculators still have the enter button and RPN.

HP released the HP 50G this year. The HP calculator division is still alive.

Here’s mine. I like programming on it.

I call it ‘Calculus’


As long as we’re geeking on calculators, check out the TI-Nspire CAS. Nope, you can’t get it yet. Not available till some time in 2007.

As fun as calculators are, if you’re looking to do real math beyond the high school algebra level or basic calculus level, a software program like MathCAD is the way to go. Way more powerful than any calculator and way more fun for math work. The student (educational) version of MathCAD is $100-$130 which is about the same price as a graphing calculator. The retail price is around $1200 so the educational price is a good deal. MathCAD can do real math, not just the pseudo-business math that the graphing calculators do.

Ha, that’s pretty cool.

My baby from college and I still use it almost everyday. Gotta love RPN!

hp15c.bmp (269 KB)

From what I’ve heard from my engineering teachers, we are able to get the “full” version for $30. I think my roommate was going to get it to see how it works.

I’m still rocking the ti-86. I wish it could do differentials like the 89 though, that would have been awesome. Anyone remember the giant ti-92?

I only ever saw one of them out in the wild.

There is a neat browser based symbolic math solver at Pretty darn cool for a browser app.

i still <3 my first generation ti-89. differentials & matrixes ftw. also about half my high school calc class had the monster ti-92.

Right now the educational version has a $30 rebate. That may be what you’re thinking about. The educational version is the same as the full version except for the cost.

MathCAD is nice for engineering work. If you ever find yourself using a spreadsheet like Excel for math or engineering you should slap yourself and ask yourself why you aren’t using MathCAD instead. Spreadsheets are the devil when it comes to engineering or math work, they’re the wrong tool for the job.

I still remember an engineering statistics assignment I had to do in Excel. It was a problem where we had to use the Taguchi Method to solve for the constraints. And we had to do it in Excel. I hated that assignment soooo bad, all because we had to use the wrong tool for the job. Since then I have hated spreadsheets with a passion for engineering work.

I have that one, too, the Casio, right?

I pimped mine out with Jesus tape on the inside of the cover. :smiley:

Only reason I bought it was because it was half the price of the TI’s at my local Wal-mart, and I actually started liking it a lot more, once I figured out all the various nuances.