Needed, someone with an American Express card

Alright, so here’s the deal.
I want to get my girlfriend tickets to the Glee musical for Valentines day.
However, tickets only go on presale to people with an American Express card tomorrow, and not for general public until the following friday.
So I’m looking for someone that has an American Express card and wouldn’t mind using it to buy the tickets for me. I’ll paypal you the money needed for the tickets in advance and then hopefully you would buy the tickets for me.
Also, i’d be willing to pay a little bit more as a sort of service fee to you for helping me out.

I know this is a long shot but I’d figure we’re a community here and someone might be able to help me out.
If you can help out send me a PM and we can work out the details.

Thanks, and all the best.

PM sent.