need your recommend pls?

hey All :slight_smile:

i want to ask about a good model unicycle! i can command, but I have no skill.
so i want to learn skills. Any unicycle recommend? thank you.

Hawo friend. :smiley:

I would recommend a Torker LX or Nimbus unicycle to begin with and eventually you can progress a skill/s or move to Trials/MUni/Street, Freestyle/Commuting/etc.

But for now, begin with the basics…Freemounting, short distance riding and the other basic stuff.

I have qu-ax unicycle old model … Provisional Training.

but i have trip to germany and i want to buy one from there.
so i can ride and left right… but give me spicail model coz i dont have twice trip :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Qu-ax in Israel

I am the importer of qu-ax to Israel, I have almost all their unicycles in stock and it will not be more expensive then buying in Germany, and will surely save you a lot of carrying around in your trip.

give me a call if you want - 052-3218207. I will be (very) happy to advise you regarding what unicycle could be best for you…

Good luck,


yes, if i call you… what languages do you speak?
and what about the Plug?

I speak Hebrew, English, German, Spanish and French so I think we can find a way to communicate :slight_smile: depending on where you live we will have to work out a way to get the unicycle to you…

ya i live in nablus…? and i like one from your site.
but you can give me the best price? pls. KH20

give me a call if you want, I will try to do my best to help :slight_smile: