i need some more monry for a new uni.any suggestions on making it?(im to young to get a job)
Deal drugs…or rob a bank.
Mow lawns or shovel snow, there is never an age limit on that. Go around to your neighbours and ask if they have any yard work that needs doing. Those are pretty much perfect ways to make money and you are almost never too young to do that.
Sell your old unicycle.
that sounds like the best ideas on here I am doing yard work but I only get $100 a month so I wont have enough till December.
Robbing a bank seems faster.
Starts downloading blueprints of banks
Remember, kids: there is always prostitution.
haha i almost posted something like that but i decided not to lol
Don’t wanna lose your clientelle?
I understand…
Why don’t you just do more yardwork? When I was mowing lawns and whatnot I took on as many jobs as the day allowed, plus I had and still have a sure job at our sawmill (my family runs one) whenever we cut anything. Find an old guy with a sawmill, it works for me.
A young friend of mine did pretty well by making duct tape wallets and selling them to the people on a message board.
If you are old enough (I don’t know the age requirements) you can donate sperm to a sperm bank. That should help a little.
me to…i was gonna say u could sell urself on the street but idk
People pay for that? How much, this is interesting haha
Jeez, I gotta look into that: wanking as a part-time job. Sweet!
Urgently required
Between 18-50 years of age and of all nationalities
You will be reimbursed with $375 for five donations
From a clinic in Perth Australia, OMG that is actually very good money
im not sure if its that great of a good idea, cus im not sure how it works but they give it 2 girls who nee or want to get pregnant and that kid pretty much becomes your doughter or son and who knows maybe one day he will be on your doorstep in 20 years and be like “Hi dad”
You donate sperm anonymously. The kids will never show up at your door step.
o that anint bad, im gonna donate 300 times and get like 200 kids lol
I wouldn’t mind donating either, but you have to be 18.