Need some photoshop help

Hey guys i need some help on how to make the pictures where its the same background but the different stages of your jump going across the screen.


well, there’s only one way I know how to do it, which is pretty much cut and paste, the photos that are actually like that are done using the camera, double exposure several times, pretty much what they do is take the photos on the same negative. Since the camera doesn’t move and only the subject is, the background stays the same, but the subject is in several locations.

crazy. Anyway, yeah, cut and paste, do the auto contrast, color and brightness. or whatever.

a video camera on a tripod, and then taking frames from that clip would also work. (while cropping out the BG in all but one of them, or applying a mask…

If anyone asks, I’ve gone fishing and won’t be back for a week.

anyone see Into the Blue lately?

He went that way.
points to the lake