Need some good driving songs

Unless it involves the back seat, I don’t think that song has anything to do with driving.

And all this time I thought it was a protest song against lowering the speed limits during the energy crisis.

Back on topic:

Beach Boys - 409

My fave CD for driving is Creedence Clearwater Revival’s Greatest Hits.

I can leave that sucker on repeat for hours and never tire of it.

when i say DRIVING MUSIC i mean stuff that gives you like an addrenline rush and makes you wanna speed and stuff, not stuff that makes you calm and happy Im 16 years old i wanna enjoy my youth and take risks and if i survive it then when im older i MIGHT start listening to classical music and stuff i doubt though

Anything by Cake is good driving music.

Please, by all means, continue with this behavior. It’s chlorine for the gene pool.


That is true, but there are lots of “driving” related songs that aren’t exactly about driving. But if you want them to be about driving they can be. For example, AC/DC’s Highway To Hell is a common song mentioned for driving mixes, but it’s not about driving.

On the theme of not quite about driving but close enough:
Deep Purple - Space Truckin

The theme from Back to the Future… but try to keep it under 88 mph.


death metal > everything else.
cept for incubus.
and sublime.
and maybe dispatch.


Heart - Barracuda

Rush - Red Barchetta

Ping Island / Lightning Strike Rescue Op. by Mark Mothersbaugh from the Life Aquatic soundtrack.

I hope I survive your driving, too. And your mom. And you neighbor. But this is not the place to continue this type of discussion (this is). I just couldn’t resist bringing it up. (and if the forums were around 25 years ago, I would have made this exact thread)