Need Help With Tricks

yes i am a unicycleist and i need help on spins and jumps and all kinds of free style i have a 20 inch torker unicycle and a 5 foot torker but i am buying a nimbus muni 24 inch and any tips plz help!!! plus if u have a myspace account vist mine my name is “Ephrim(Mike)” just how it is and rite to me on that cause it is hard to keep checking this but i will try but plz plz plz try to do my space messages plus add me and every thing so ya…

There’s an aswome freestylist in Spokane, (I think spokane) his name is Jonathon (jsm)

yes i am a unicycleist and i need help on spins and jumps and all kinds of free style i have a 20 inch torker unicycle and a 5 foot torker but i am buying a nimbus muni 24 inch and any tips plz help!!! plus if u have a myspace account vist mine my name is “Ephrim(Mike)” just how it is and rite to me on that cause it is hard to keep checking this but i will try but plz plz plz try to do my space messages plus add me and every thing so ya…

i just really kinda neeed help wit tricks…

uh… anybody plz help

hey, Spokane Washington is about a hundred miles north of me.
jsm lives in Spokane, you should get in contact with him.

Spins, not much I can tell you, just practice practice practice. Lean your hips kinda…

Jumping, your holding onto the front of seat with one hand right? you should jump with you pedals/cranks in a horizontal postion.

well yea i do that but is there anywat i can get more airtime?? and a faster spin?? plus who is jsm???

get more airtime= jump off a ledge
jsm= use the members list.

plz i need help plz post back on this…or

on myspace send me a message my name is “Ephrim(mike)”

no quetation marks in it just as u see it send me a message or post on this

im a complete loser when it comes to freestyle so plz plz plz any tips (good ones not some dumb 2 word respons will help)!!!

plz post!!!

ok fine here you go…use this link.

I miss the rep system.

Where’s Miss Ayelery when you need her?

hey guys i thought my link was very helpful :smiley:

yes, it most definitely was (:

For learning spins and jumps, you should just practice. If you want to learn other harder freestyle moves, practice more. For advice on how to learn tricks, search the forums. It might be fun to meet sometime for a ride, along with a couple other Spokane riders I know, but at the moment I’m so busy with college I’m hardly unicycling at all.

hey jsm you need to like email me or something my email is kinda dum because i had it since i was like 6 years old but yea i would love to get together sometime and unicycleing because i need to practice my freestyle tricks lol got any tips besides practice?

I can give you lots of tips, if you’ll tell me which tricks specifically you need help on. But you can also get lots of helpful advice simply by searching these forums. Hit the search button in the lower of the two bars at the top. Type in a keyword (hopping, for example) and hit go, or go to the advanced search, and specify that you want it to search only the title.

alright well i wanna work on spins or something really bad plus grinds and hops for spins just like 360’s for now

grinds hops and spins are more streetish type moves.