I’ve been juggling a lot lately. I dunno why, just been doing it… yeah. but now I’m getting bored doing everything I already know how to do. I can do three balls, four balls, and a handful of three ball tricks (mills mess, reverse cascade and a bunch of others out of that…)
now I feel like getting better at juggling. I will eventually learn five balls, but at the moment, I want to learn some more three ball tricks. any experienced jugglers got some suggestions? one I’ve tried and not had much success is juggling behind the back, like with one arm all the way across your back and sticking out the other side, you know? yeah, that one.
also, is there some sort of juggling forum out there? like Rec.Sport.Juggling or something? that would be perdy useful…
It’s just rec.juggling and you can read it at the The Internet Juggling DB. It’s listed as just rec.juggling on the menu on the left. You can get help there as well as The Juggling Information Service. The JIS hasn’t been updated in a long time, but the articles on different tricks are fine.
Also if you’re near Coeur D’Alene check out their club. I believe it’s very active and they host a kick ass festival every year.
Chops is a lot of fun. It’s kind of hard to explain, but you bring each ball over one in the air before you throw it. You could try three in one hand, also, since it’s cool and helps when learning six. Then there’s Boston mess, where each ball moves seperately in it’s column, and you cross your arms over and under each other. I can do the one arm behind the back juggling trick for a little while, but it’s really hard, and not that attractive. I know Rick Rubenstein can do mill’s mess in that position!
Definitely learn clubs, and start to work on five balls, too. It’s hard, but it’s worth it.
I flashed eight balls the other day, and got 27 catches with seven.
move on to clubs, ther arm much more fun and the movments are much more “flowey” then balls, when i learnt to juggle 5 balls i practiced against a wall, i found it easier then trying to throw them up in the air straight away, with a wall it doesnt matter as much if you miss place a throw, because its very likley that it will bounce off the wall and stay in the pattern relatively well.
CLUBS, buy a decent set, and buy 4, because you can try juggling 4 with 3 now can you?
im fairly good with three and i dont really want to do clubs. i want to go to torches. my parents wont let me so now ive just stopped juggling for the most part and only do it here and there.
why dont you buy torches, but take the wicks off, give then to your parents so that they know your not going to set them on fire and practise with out the wicks. you’ll need to get used to juggling torches as they feel different to normal clubs.
Jon, technically speaking if you want to learn torches, then you do want to do clubs. Torches, afterall, are just clubs that are on fire. (With minor differences in feel as noted above.)
Check out some of these clips of Jason Garfield’s club tricks.
Anyway, if I were your parent and even remotely inclined to relent and let you learn torches, I’d expect you to be able to do plain old clubs first.
I’ve always wanted to try torches, too. Let me get back to groveling to my wife now.
if you watn torches, you basically have to learn clubs first. they’re about a million times safer and considerably cheaper. learn clubs and start passing. passing is one of the most fun things you can do. i love passing 7 clubs with people. freaking awesome. now i just need someone who’s solid with 8 so i can get better at that. i can do it, but the people i juggle with can’t, at least not well. we got ~10 catches passing 8 a week or so ago. i’ve done well more than that with someone else who can do 8. now to learn 5 balls…been playing with it for a few weeks, time to step it up and actually finish learning it. i’ve gotten to 10 catches semi-often and my record is 14 or 15. i can feel the break through coming.
i think torches get expensive any ways though… cuz you have to replace the heads often. unless they came up with something where u dont have to do that.