need help w/ ooooooold geared hub

so i got a 3 speed “AMF” geared hub bicycle from a friend today its from im guessing the early 80s. the hub is stuck in 3rd gear but i think it may just be the shifter cable being rusted through, what kind of oil do i put in the little flange thingy on the hub? does anybody know anything about this bike or ones like it?
any help is greatly appreciated

Triflow lubricant works good for gears and other metal on metal parts.

If it’s seized a graphite oil has good penetrative properties and eases things off a treat. However it isn’t much good as a lubricant for moving parts so once it’s free it will need something else, bike oil from a bike shop?

It’s a gearbox. It wants really heavy oil. My hubs are packed with lithium grease. I think car transmissions take SAE 80 oil. I would put the heaviest oil possible into the lubricating flange.