could some one help me make a better essay I just can’t I really suck at this stuff Here it is and it on world war 1:
Nick. F.
World War I
World war one was a major historical event that affected many industries and the lives of many people. There were a number of inventions which led to the improvements of many things. The death of key people also played a very important role in historical warfare.
In the summer of 1914 Francis Ferdinand was murdered by the allies. After the assassination of Francis, the Central powers declared war against the allies. Once the war was declared France, Belgium and Russia began to build reinforcements such as trenches walls and various other obstacles to protect their countries. These countries were also inventing many weapons to defend themselves. In order to surpass these obstacles the central powers were also inventing several war equipment.
Many major historical events happened during the First World War. Many countries formed alliances to fight a common enemy. Today our country has new alliances because of this war. The signing of the armistice on November 11, 1918 is also a major event that changed the world forever.
During World War One there were many inventions. The tank was has caused a major impact in mechanical and historical warfare. In the 1910 the central powers fired the first tank to the allies this was the first significant marker of mechanical warfare. This was very important in historical warfare because not only could they fire missals from further away enemy Couldn’t pierce there shields.
The submarine was a major historical event because now the battle wasn’t only on the ground and in the sky it was in the water as well. When the central powers used the submarine to lunch and attack on the allies ship marked the beginning of aquatic warfare. The allies could no longer bring supplies to there troupes and thus causing great issues witch push them to sing the armistice.
Many major historical events happened during the First World War. Many countries formed alliances to fight a common enemy. Today our country has new alliances because of this war. The signing of the armistice on November 11, 1918 is also a major event that changed the world forever.
World War I was a major historical event. The many inventions that have been created as a result of this war changed our world forever.
Thanks so much for any help!:o