Need help quick - question on new unicycle

I’m hoping I get a few quick replies on this. Thanks from a non-unicycling dad. The other day I ordered in a new Torker LX for my 9 year old son. It seems the older models had a 125 mm crank and a 20 x 2.25 tire. The new model is supposed to have a 175 mm crank and a 20 x 1.75 tire. I thought I was getting the new model, but they shipped the old. (At least the old sizing.) Does anybody have any input, should I ship it back? I know the 5" cranks have been standard, but I thought the longer crank would give him more torque. Also wondering on tire size although I really don’t care about that. Guidance needed on this. Thanks again :thinking: :angry:

For a nine year old I would stick with the 20 inch tire. Can he ride yet?
Sorry, but I don’t really know anything about crank length, although I would say if he can’t ride it doesn’t really matter yet. But I am sure that someone here will put me straight.

For a 20 incher you want 5 inch cranks. The 175s would be very hard to ride on much less learn, for they can hit the ground and make it harder to ride smoothly.

Oh yeah and tire width doesnt matter very much, stick with what you got

It is on a 20", and he just learned on a 16". Still learning, but I think you’ve answered my question. The LX is also available in 24" and new 26" commuter size. The 175 mm’s may be on larger. I’ll stay with what I have and put it together for him.:wink:

No problem and by the way the main use for 175mm cranks is for mountain unicycles where you are climing hills.

That’s one of my concerns, we live in Wisconsin, and he’ll be going up small hills (inclines) and riding on grassy areas as well as pavement. He may need another bike for that later I guess.

There’s no way a 20" would have 170 or 175mm cranks. And, I don’t think the new 20" has a 1.75 tire, either. It shouldn’t, were did you get the information?

BicycleSource.US and Cycle Sport and Fitness ( both had the same specs on their website. I dealt with Cycle Sport and Fitness. Liked talking to a person. Fast shipment, call Monday when they opened. 2 days Ohio to Wisconsin.

you have bad info. the 26" has 175mm cranks, the 24" has 150mm crnaks, and the 20" has 125mm cranks(I think).

yes, the 20" has 127’s. Thanks everybody. Since I really don’t know what I’m talking about (although learning REAL fast to keep up with son) I appreciate everyone’s input. Some how we chose a 16" this spring to learn on(don’t remember why that size, other advice?) We probably should have started him right on 20". He is tall enough and has already been riding a friends 20". I just didn’t want to make another poor decision on it. Want to get him involved in a unicyclel club. I didn’t want to get there and have people ask “Why did you get him that?” THANKS AGAIN. He just came home and saw the new unicycle. He’s ready to put it together, so I guess so am I!:slight_smile: