need help on 2 tricks and maybe did a new one (video)

The first clip in the video is the newish trick. Its not very useful but kind of fun. The trick is seat on side hopping freehanded. I hook my foot under the pedal like if you were hopping on a ultimate wheel.

The two tricks i could use help on are:
-Side ride
-Sideways ww with the seat behind me

I took a few attempts of each. Ive practiced the side ride quite a bit but i still cant get more than a rev.

Link to video (i accidently called the video name sib ww but it should be sib Sideways ww)

anyone have any ideas/suggestions (whether you can do these or not)?

well i can do neither of those… but as my possibly useless advice… i say on your side ride you seem to need to keep your free foot in front… cuase thats how Leo Van… you know who im talking about… and it seems like your keeping your weight all on one side… lean the uni so you are more over the center of gravity of the unicycle…

i hope this wasnt to useless


i like the side ride thing. i doubt you could get more than a few revs without a TON of work, but it would make a sweet mount. you know, like do your side ride thing, twist a foot over so you’re backwards, and do half a unispin? that could really impress. :wink:

Your side ride problem is mostly in your left foot. Bring it a lot more up, forward, and to the right, and maybe even try holding it over the wheel. Keep your weight on the seat and lean to the right more, also.

anyone have any other suggestions?

For the sib sideways ww, it would make since to put almost all your weight on the seat so you can just tap the tire along. Sorta like regular sideways ww. Other than that, just practice. It’ll come.

No idea on side ride. I gave up on trying to do that a while ago.

It’s so cool that you are willing to show off your weaknesses and learn from people’s comments. I think you will become a VERY skilled unicyclist.