hello, i’m from nepal and i’m palnning to make a unicycle on my own out of my old bike. we don’t get 1 of those here so i think i’ll be the first 1 making and riding 1. any suggestions is very much appreciated.
Ive never made one but if you are making it out of a regular bike wouldnt you need a fixed hub? if thats what they are called.
I am wondering if you can get/have one sent from the South Korean unicycle website???
Seeming as South Korea isn’t that too far away from Nepal.
i don’t think you can make a unicycle from a bike, cos all the parts are different like fixed pedals and stuff.
Also welcome to the forums crazartist and gapa.
The best you can probably make is a short giraffe. Get out your welder and grinder, you will need to modify parts. Cut off unecessary pipes from the bottom bracket. Weld a top post straight up on the bottom bracket. Remove the bearings first so you don’t fry them when welding. Find some sort of pipe to weld into your top post to adapt it to fit your unicycle seat post. Get a 20" wheel set with a fixed gear on it to use for the chain. If you don’t have a fixed gear hub take apart a ten speed rear sprocket assy. Grind to fit your hub and weld onto the hub. Weld it good, and straight and centered. Otherwise it will fall off and down you will go. Remove the gear from the driving crank on your bicycle and reduce the chain ring to approximately the same size as the sproket on your hub. Weld your new chain ring onto your crank arm. Weld it good, straight and centered. Modify your chain now to fit the correct distance. Finally paint your Giraffe. It should be about 4 feet high now more or less. Tighten the bolts on your hub as tight as you can so that they won’t slip. Now you will have your unicycle. Remember that you need to make the hub gear and chain ring the same so that you do not significantly increase the effective inches of the wheel very much, other wise it will be very difficult to control. Now you will be the first in your area to have a brand new, custom, unicycle, that you can proudly say you made yourself.
But, I have been this route myself. It’s not worth the effort. Buy yourself a brand new Torker LX, or something equivalent or better. Make your own unicycle this way if your time is worth little, or you just wish to experiment, but realize that what you make will probably not turn out as good as what you could buy.
Just buy your own unicycle, they arn’t really too expensive.
you’ll probably spend more trying to make one than just buying one.
JBAB gives pretty good advice. I made a unicycle in that manner and it worked OK untill I tried hopping down some stairs and the wheel folded in half.
I didn’t bother taking the gear cluster or the cranks apart, just put the chain on the granny gear (biggest on the bottom and smallest on the top) welded the gear cluster to the hub and went.
The problem with the “penguin” or short giraffe is they are considerably harder to mount and may make them a bit intimidating to a beginer.
the major difference between unicycles and bicycles are the hub and the cranks. all the rest you could do by yourself or get from a bike. there are many places you can get those two items, and maybe there is a felow forum member going to nepal who could help you and bring them along
i would buy 1 if i get to, i’ve never seen 1 in our market here!
ji think this is a better idea! trhnx
fixed the wall of text