okay, my friend asked me if I could make a pretty cover page for her English Anthology, because I’m good at computer stuff and she’s not. I could make it, but have a TON of work to do tonight, and it must be done by tomorrow morning. So. Anyone with some pretty flippin sweet photoshopping skills, here’s what I ask of you:
make a 1-page big picture with the title ‘AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL DOSSIER’ on it. I guess what she wants is for it to look like one of those confidential CIA dossier folder thingies, you know? the ones that they have in really fake detective shows or whatever. yeah, one of those… it doesn’t need to be anything too detailed or anything, just make it look pretty. if someone can do this, I will be eternally in your debt and when/if I ever meet you, I’ll give you a present. like a cookie or something. if you can’t or don’t want to do this, then that’s cool too, I could do it myself. but I’m not that brilliant with photoshop, so if I could get some help… that’d be sweet.
so what kind of graphic on it? a folder? just text?
or just whatever?
just a picture basically… a big, one page picture. it’s the cover page for an anthology… it’ll need to have ‘AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL DOSSIER’ and ‘By Aditi Dani’ on it, but I can definitely add the text by myself.
Googling Top Secret turns up a few candidates… I’d show you more, but then I’d have to kill you