Need help for a photo competition!

HEY :smiley:

I’m taking part in a photo competition on FaceBook

Just follow the two steps and you will make me really really happy :smiley:
All in all it takes max. 6 clicks with the mouse :slight_smile:

  1. if you haven’t “liked” here on FB go to’s facebook site and like it.

  2. go to this picture and like it

Thanks for taking your time :slight_smile:

Done and done!

Love the photo. Great action shot.

Good luck with the contest.

Thanks :smiley: I really need the luck :stuck_out_tongue: om on about 55 likes and the leader has 101 likes :confused: If you will share it to you friends I would really appreciate it :smiley:

The 1st price is a Equinox frame and my freestyle frame is really close to break so it would be awesome to win a new frame :slight_smile:

ok, voted! Hope you successful :smiley:

What’s Facebook?

you must be kidding :))

Photo is truly cool! Done!