The day after NAUCC 2010, who’s pumped for next year? I am! It was announced that it’ll be in Madison, Wisconsin.
The day after NAUCC 2010, who’s pumped for next year? I am! It was announced that it’ll be in Madison, Wisconsin.
i soo want to go to this one!!!
probably going in a car with Hugo. that’d be awesome.
I am so begging my parents to get tickets for Naucc 2011.
Woo Hoo!!! only 3 hours away :DDDDD!!! I will not be missing this.
I wanted it to be in montreal
I wanna go sooo bad!!! I dont know if i’ll have a ride though…
Depending who is comming with us, there might be a place for you in the car. We are passing by Kingston anyways. Tony would like to go too, so with Stella, Émile, Tony, you and me, we might be a little tight. I guess we still have a year to figure this out…
Really? That would be awesome!
I will almost certainly be there. I’m not sure how much I will participate (being a 50yo novice), but I will certainly enjoy all the comraderie, pointers etc.
I was supposed to visit family ~2 hours north of Madison in 2010, and had to cancel, so it looks like that will be the trip this year via Madison and NAUCC. I'm pretty excited, just the opening parade sounds great.
This guy is way excited for naucc. I’m buying my tickets and what not when I get my tax return. It’s going to be great.
that cool someone else from washington yes!
iam planning on coming
Yeah cool to see some washington riders. SpaceFMK, we need to get some sessions in before NAUCC
Sounds like there are going to be quite a few of us from Washington. It’s going to be a great time. How many days do we have til it is here?
ummm not sure how many days but there are like 4 flat/street/trials riders from our team (panther pride) then whoever else from WA
Edit: 200 days. found some date calculator on google haha
sooo going,this time i wont be injured
I just started doing tricks recently, but by July…who knows? I ride a lot, and I want to get involved in the community.
Any Texans want to ride along or allow me to drive them? If so, I’ll look at the schedule, but I hate long rides alone (in the car!)
We’ll eat cheese on the way back. This kind of cheese; that kind of cheese; it don’t matta.
Any dates yet?
im so pumped to go!! it’ll my first naucc ill have ever attended :D:D:D:)
I just can’t wait to buy my tickets and everything so I will KNOW I am going.