Nature Valley Commercial with 36er!

check it out, saw this on t.v. the other night…

actually after watching it again is it a 36 or 29?

tire looks like 36er tread.

Yeah, looks like a KH36er with a Nightrider tyre. The handlebar setup is interesting. I wonder who the rider is? Does anybody on the forum know him?

Don’t know him, but recognize the homemade handle from his videos on here – it’s Pete, website is “Digital Hippie” . OZ or NZ?

I would think most people wouldn’t even realize it’s a unicycle.

I know, huh…they’re problably thinking…" hmmm…there’s something


about thatbike…"

In my part of town unis’ are so rare. 1st time I saw one was at my son’s playground last year, where a 5th grader showed he could ride around for a little.
Then second time was when I driving to work. I saw a young guy practice riding a 29er on the street. So excited, I wanted to, and nearly pulled over to have chat as if we had something really, really major in common…

Thinking about it, I might of scared him poopless into a UPD onto upcoming traffic,
thinking some nut head approaching him out of no where…

Wheeew…a unicyclist casualty wouldnt have been a pretty sight :astonished:

Looks like him. I’ve just viewed his video. Well deducted Newob

Just saw the commercial, nice

Extremely cool! I don’t know how quick I would have been to pick up on the unicycle in that commercial if I were watching it on TV. If I were paying attention I know I would see it, and I imagine the creators of the ad did enough screening of it to make sure random people would notice the cycle was at least unusual. I think it’s great.

Glad somebody noticed it and was able to post it! We have a DVR, so we only watch commercials now if we’re not in the room, or at a hotel. :smiley:

Very Cool, Thx for posting

haha how cool is that! another slice of crazy and unexpected thanks to the magical interweb :slight_smile:

here’s a link to a high quality version posted by Nature Valley

My boys got all excited this morning when they saw this advertisement. It played during the Flintstone Movie on ABC Family. So Cool!