Name the Gods of Unicycling


WAH cause you’re like WAAAH! My foot came off!

then SHTUCK! cause it falls back on it with a “SHUTCK!”

then YAY! Cause you didn’t die!

aren’t there pedal names that can be turned into the name of a unigod by adding a ‘ictus’ at the end?
unigod shinburgerictus

or something like that

Sounds horrible, let’s do it :slight_smile:

From now on I’ll yell “WAHSHTUCKYAY!” and get weird looks from everyone, even more than usual :roll_eyes:


Sorry, that made no sense, come again?

Catboy, God of SPAM, Bacon, Eating Dirt, and Cats!

god of getting shoe laces stuck in crank and falling on your face…

many times that has happend to me…

Freestyle God of pedal stomping with too much power on the “stomp”


The god of the Hidden Gravity Storm.

Don’t just invent the gods people, name them.

Re: gods

Ah yes, that would be Faceplantius…

That reminds me of the panda who eats shoots and leaves.

The God of Irritating Creaks, or “Dismantleandregreaseius”


i fell on a rabbit in the bush

Oooophicus = god of bellyflops

Hypocondricus = god of failed attempts

Dentalicus = god of mud in the teeth

Arborcerebralicus = god of low-hanging branches

Lobotomicus = sinister brother of Arborcerebralicus

Ohcrappicus = god of submerged ruts

uni god of not-tyeing-your-shoes-and-getting-your- shoelaces-caught-in-the-pedals-and-getting- them-torn-off-of-your-favorite-shoes-causing-you- to-go-to-wal-mart-and-get-new-laces-that-turn-out- to-be-to-short-so-you-have-to-go-back-to-wal-mart-and-get-longer-ones.

Prioriticus - the Uni God of Competing Priorities

Chirodusticus - the MUni god of falling in the dirt on your hands