Name the Gods of Unicycling

This summer I’m rereading The Iliad and The Odyssey. It seems to me there are as many Uni Gods as Greek Gods.

MUni God of Trails
MUni God of Rock
MUni God of Ascent
MUni God of Flight
MUni God of Tree Crash
MUni God of Spite
MUni God of Spurting Blood

There must be hundreds. Name those that try to put harm in your way and those that protect you.

And there may be a few innocuous ones as well.

Re: Name the Gods of Unicycling

Joe Merrill (TWNR)

Freestyle God of Getting-Your-Feet-On-The-Pedals/Cranks-When-Suicide-Mounting

The Uni God of allowing-you-to-pedal-faster-than-physically-possible-in-order-to-get-your-balance-back
The Trials God of loose obstacles

The God of Properly reading forum threads

I thought the idea was to name new gods for things that happen to you on a unicycle that you believe are divine intervention. Not to name people for each of the listed gods, hence:


Reminds me of the Name the Bats skit on SNL.

The freestyle god of falling straight down to the seat after your feet slipped off while standup wheelwalking

(That’s what I’m trying to avoid by getting the wide Sem Longneck frame)

Muni God of Slippery Pedals

evil god of upd

“thor” the god of long distance in damp shorts riders

All I know is that I have been cursed by the God of Freemounting , and that he or she likes to play cruel games with me.
The God of Freemounting will allow me to freemount with no problem untill this God decides to make sport of me for his or her amusement. I will be stuck on the bike path, when others are watching, trying over and over to zoom off.
Luckily, the God of Convienent Stopsigns will intervene, but after such assisted mounts, I am ashamed and perplexed as I ride away.

I know him well.

The God of Falling all over the obstical you’re trying to get on

No worries. You beat me to it and spared me the embarrassment and public humiliation of posting wrong (but don’t tell anybody). Edit: and even after reading the name of your “god”, I still thought you were simply correcting everybody else.

I too thought we were to associate real human names with the various gods. I was dismayed that there was no God of Rolling Over Nearly Anything, which was going to go to Jeff Prosa.

Holyshittus - The God of High Speed Coker UPDs

Hamburgerus - the God of Pinned Pedal Strikes

Torquewrenchius - The God of Properly Applied Cranks

Locktitus - God of Stuck Threads

Muni god of going down a steep hill and the uni moves faster and then your croch catches up with the seat(grrr)

Uni god of tacoed rimes.

definately my favourite so far

Muni god of upding on top of a steep hill and having your legs flail out mindlessly under you trying to avoid crashing on somach whilst avoiding as best as possible incomming trees and sprained ankles.

Muni god of having your foot stick out infront of the pedal and being stretched by the muni, falling straight on your back and cheesegrating your calves.

Muni god of: OMG! MY FOOT CAME OFF THE PEDAL! But the luckily falls back on the pedal.

Uni God of having a dog hanging from your pants while youre trying to pedal.

I love that one, he needs a name though, I can’t keep yelling, “Thanks Muni god of OMG! MY FOOT CAME OFF THE PDAL! But the luckily falls back on the pedal.”

Any suggestions?