Nalgene bottles rule. Who’s with me?! Let’s see pics of yours. Sure, they all look similar, but who cares?!
I am rather anti Nalgene bottles. I think they really aren’t worth the money, you are better off re using a water bottle from a vending machine. I have broken Nalgene bottles before and without much difficulty but I have tried very hard to break one of those water bottle from a vending machine and the most I could do was damage the cap or stab it with something sharp.
Now I do love my Nalgene camelpack type thing. That thing is a life saver and I barely notice it when I’m wearing it besides the extra weight.
I like them, but they don’t need there own thread. I just got an easy sipper for mine, but I lost it.
Tacos got a thread, so Nalgene bottles got a thread. Chapishe?
Actually, I have a nalgene bottle big one, from it’s pre fab days, so it looks a bit different then yours.
I also have a small one, but it’s all dinged up from bouncing back and forth with friends.
Another thing, don’t put pop in them. The Flavor stays in them for a long time.
ur being gay
Actually, I have a nalgene bottle big one, from it’s pre fab days, so it looks a bit different then yours.
I also have a small one, but it’s all dinged up from bouncing back and forth with friends.
Another thing, don’t put pop in them. The Flavor stays in them for a long time.
This is silly becuse the new ones cant retain any flavors, so they claim. I put soda in mine all the time no flavor retained at all. It must suck to be you, LOL. (work is very slow) personly i like the water bladers and the bags. more convenent.:D this is a dumb topic so good night. and you can even buy one with the scout logo on it for all who care.:o
I have THREE!
One is green, but you can’t tell because its totally covered in stickers…the other is a red small-mouth, and it has a few stickers too, and the last is orange, and I found it, and when I found it, it smelled so bad it almost made me throw up, so I bleached it, and now I have a new nalgene bottle. It also has stickers on it.
eh, they’re pretty neat. i used to have some lab quality bottles laying around, i think seager’s got them though. or we tossed them. anyone see the new camelbak nalgene style bottles, they’re weird, but i kinda want one.
i have two, one is orange, and has the pilgrim lodge logo on it, but the cap has broken on it twice, so now it has a blue cap. my other one is solid gray colored, but is all white on the unside because my brother used it to fill with gesso so he could take it from the art building, both of them have swix/atomic stickers on them.
How the heck did you break it?
Some student at the University of Idaho did an experiment last year to try and break one, and one of them ran over it with a truck, and it got bent out of shape but would still hold water.
Camelbaks own Nalgenes.
I too have broken one. The story goes like this:
My paper airplane ( ) got stuck in the tree, so I threw my shoe at it to get it down. Shoe got stuck. My other shoe isn’t much good without the first, so I threw my other shoe at the first shoe. Got stuck. So, one of my friends had the bright idea to throw the Nalgene water bottle at the shoes and airplane. “They’re unbreakable” said he.
So, he threw a filled Nalgene about 30 ft in the air, and down it came on cement. Crack. In the bottom. End of story.
If you break it you can send it to the company and get another one for free.
I have one, a red one with a sticker on it. my dad had a few old ones but and one day he accidently ran over it with his truck and it broke in two! so he took it back to the store where he got it (about 10 years earlier) and the gave him a new one for free!
i don’t really know what a nalgene bottle is…we seem to be lacking them here
we seem to get by okay with just normal water bottles.
maybe if the american guy buys coles we’ll start seeing them in our shops and things
I like the idea of supermarkets here turning into a walmart though…cheap tires and bikes stuff, guns, random crap
hahaha, they couldnt sell guns.
but a walmart would be cool