Naked Male Unicyclist Contest

Anyone down?

that would be really GAY


You want to!
Don’t let this be a disappointment like the shirtless girl thread!

goats thats disgusting dude… gag


really, lets not turn this forum into a gay playground so to speak… do you not get off to the shirtless guys thread enough??
… family forum for a reason.

Dude, it’s a joke, Lol.

You guys are weird… haha.

EDIT: Stephen, being mean is less aporpriate than nudity for young 'uns…

Okay guys… really, you take everything so seriously.
What are you afraid of anyway?
You clicked on the thread that said ‘Naked Male Unicyclist Contest’ anyway.
You weren’t tricked into this thread. Even if there were pics, it would be your fault if you saw them.

And anyway, you all have cocks. Don’t be so shocked when you see someone else’s… jeez…

Jackie you have gratitous amounts of gayness.

Skrobo you need anal blast. Sound the alarm, your going to be uncomfortably gay. It’s like adding a homo to girl on girl porn. How about penis-alota, it’s made with penis, real penis. You’ll be extremely well dressed!Youll be so fast that your boyfriends like slooooooow down, but you’ll be like @#$* you and jizz on his face with your energy dick. You’ll have so much energy, ahhhhh, ahhh, you’ll be coming all the time. You won’t have any babies, zero babies. Give brown eye to your partner and they’ll be good at butt sex. They’ll make your partner come abnormally fast! They’ll come as fast as Kenyans, people will catch them coming and think that they are Kenyans, they’ll suck them off like Kenyans, they’ll come on an actual Kenyan and they’ll want to tie the not and be deported back to Kenya!

Thanks Mike, haha.

Another thing though, what did you guys think of the shirtless female thread?
Isn’t this the same?


That thread did not have: More d%cks than your body has room for.

Sincerely, your pal, Mikey Mikey Motor Cykie.

I don’t have one :frowning:

if you noticed, i never encouraged the shirtless female thread, i posted on this one because i knew you would not post a picture right off, you’re just looking for some entertainment so to speak, being a bunch of prudes? and you can’t take a little criticism?
… nudity is different to different people, and you are weird,the amount of people with our viewpoints and feelings towards a sex of people and the display of naked people FAR outweigh those of yours.

that said, i would not have said anything if this forum was for 18 and up.
but then if it was, i would not be on it.

Ill give you mine.

Anyways, ill get a picture for you Jackie. It will be a small, maybe blurry webcam picture, but its the best camera I have.

Strong statements. You sure that is 100% fact? Cause it isnt.

Anyways, arguing is pointless here, and if this is going to be something bad, Gilby will remove it, but if it stays, then sweet, and just ignore it. There are plenty of threads I dont even click on. The threads that say “Dont go in here.” I dont click on. The level of self-control needed to do that is so low, so it should be a problem for anyone here.


Haha, don’t worry.
Anyway, I was talking to the guys who posted earlier.

And Skroby… if you can’t tell it’s a joke, like the shemale thread and everything, gee…
I’m not encouraging dudes to put nude pics of themselves online.
And noone made you click here if you didn’t want hot nudes.
You didn’t get worked up at all over the girl thread. I don’t think you posted at all, but you nabbed first post here… You’re just silly.
I can take crit if it’s coming from a reliable source.

I want sword pics, Jer.


Its funny, there are maybe about 10 girls on this forum, so its definitely a male dominated site, yet the shirtless female thread is somewhere on page two or three, yet the male shirtless thread is still on the top of page one. Hmm, I think everyone here likes to look at the shirtless guys. And now this one is gonna get a lot of male attention.

So, I guess no one here can resist a unclothed guy huh? They cant resist clicking a title that has ‘Naked Male’ in it.

Stop complaining, we know you like it!

Haha, if this was naked shemale or female no one would mind, maybe a few “Family forum tsk tsk” people, but thats all.

Ill get the pictures either alte tonight or tomorrow so I can have natural lighting. My lightbulbs give the pictures a weird look, and webcams dont have the most settings. lol

Are you saying we have no self control?