Naked bike race

Look what I found on the webpages of Norway´s equivavelent to BBC.

I think you can wath it outside Norway, but am not sure.

I wonder who the guy on the giraffe is :slight_smile:

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can you translate? :thinking:

It just means that there was a problem with the video clip.
Might be that you can only view it in Norway, because of copyright reasons.

Anyway, it´s a story about a naked bike race in Brighton. They´re trying to promote cycling and get more people to leave their cars in the garage.

Right near the end of the clip, there´s a naked guy riding a giraffe :slight_smile:

The video works in IE. Didn’t work in Firefox.

They should have had more body paint on rather than just just splishes and splashes of body paint. Fully painted looks better.

The Fremont neighborhood of Seattle has a Summer Solstice parade every year. And every year bicyclists dress up (dress down?) in full body paint and ride neekid. Some unicyclists have joined in as well. The parade is next weekend. I’m not going to be riding in the parade.

Dan Heaton lives in Seattle, doesn’t he? Is he gonna ride in the parade?

got it working, haha must have taken the guy on the giraffe ages

I just found some more information about neekid bike rides in Seattle. I didn’t realize Seattle was such a haven for public neekid cycling.

The World Naked Bike Ride took place in in London last Saturday, and it included at least one unicyclist! (Don’t worry he’s wearing boxers).