N.A.S.S uk trials riders read!

N.A.S.S(national adventure sports show) I went to this when I used to skate,they had some cool skate parks and a trials set up it looked really cool,it is a adventure sports show who’s up for showing b**ers how it’s done?This show is one of the biggest in the uk and is loads of fun.so if anyone want to go i will get some details…

that sounds great. i will be up for going. when where is it?

i had a friend who went last year (trials b**er) he said it was really good.

let me know the details


I went 2 years ago i think…it’s in the bath and west show ground if it’s in the same place.

just found this


check out the trials course

there is a competition on both days, how good would it be to enter on unicycles!!!

I would like to go but money and college will be getting a bit hectick


Heh… 'tis about 20 minutes away from me… :slight_smile:
