hey i just got onto windows media player to play some of my beatles cds when i see the all music pane, i click on it and my normal music pops up. THEN something weird happens, music i dont got starts popping up on the all music tab it is mainly pinkspider music, but i dont like their music and i never ordered it. there are a couple othe band’s songs on there too, THEY KEEP POPPING UP!!! what is this? does this happen with any of you guys? is this a virus?
Are you connected to the Internet?
Have you tried reading the Help yet?
Sounds like somebody’s trying to sell you something you don’t want.
so what do i do?
If you know how, try disconnecting your internet temporarily and see if it still happens.
Look in places like Library to see if the “mystery music” is listed there. Anything suspicious in “Media Guide”?
Are you using any other music purchasing programs like Itunes or something like that? …are they running in the background?
Look around for stuff like that.
my brother has itunes on my computer, but he has never even heard of bands like gecko, lordming, or pinkspider. are these even real bands? the mystery music is still in my library even with my internet disconnected, and i have only used itunes on my computer like once(at least to my knowledge) and its hasn’t ran in forever. also, where would i find media guide? and could u define “suspicious”? sorry for sounding like a total computer newb, i am really good with computers with the exception of some programs, this being one of them. but what should i do? do i delete it or will give me some sort of spyware if i click it?
Sorry I didn’t mean suspicious as far as a virus or anything, I meant look and see if there were mysterious bands/songs listed under Library, but I guess you say there are.
I’m just throwing out a bunch of stuff you could try…
Media Guide is is the top right button on the version of windows media player that I have. I was thinking maybe something was playing there, but I doubt it anyway. Sounds like the music files are saved onto your computer.
I wouldn’t suspect some kind of spyware or something just yet until you’ve checked all the basic stuff. Who knows, it might be something simple you haven’t noticed.
As far as spyware/adware of any sort goes… it’s probably a good idea to run a scan with whatever antivirus program you have. And/or download the free SpyBot Search And Destroy utility which does a pretty good scan for stuff like that and will find the files if they are corrupted or something.
I doubt that clicking on the mystery music files would further any damage you may or may not have, since they are already on your system. However I would suggest looking up where the actual music files are saved instead of going only through WMP. (in windows media player playlist or whatever it is, right click, then click Open File Location).
The name of the folder it’s saved under could possibly give you a clue as to where it’s from.
Then if you want, you can Right Click on the actual folder and click Scan to be sure.
I just did a quick google of the bands you mentioned, and they appear to be legit bands all right. In fact they’re all similar bands that showed up together on the google results page.
So that’s a good sign…
Apparently you’re not very good at getting tech support. You have to provide lots of information to get useful answers. I provided you with three questions you should have tried to answer in your first post, but you mostly still haven’t addressed them.
Unfortunately I haven’t used WMP since version 9, and not to handle media files (just as a player). I use a Mac now. The iTunes Store doesn’t put anything on my computer without me okaying it, but I have downloaded some free songs, or free clips of songs.
You may have clicked on a promotion of some sort. You got a bunch of songs on your computer, didn’t recognize the names of the bands and apparently did zero research on them before asking more questions here. They seem to be real bands. Did you get charged for anything? Do you remember creating an account anywhere, or giving out any personal or payment information? These would be clues…