alrite so my mom is making me delete my myspace becus she thinks it gave the computer a virus, which im pretty sure it didnt, so does anyone know if myspace gives you viruses??
No. It doesnt.
but i will need some more people probally so will people with a myspace post something about how it doesnt
A conversation with your mom about computers would probably be hilarious.
haha it probally wuld be cus we both know nothing about them, the awkward conversation wuld be the STD talk that she had with me last week lol
did you know 1 in 3 teenagers have a STD
yeh me either, im not sure if thats true or not but she says it is
Getting a virus depends on what you do there. Watch out for those spam links that lead you to a different site or a fake login page. Those could potentially give you viruses if you aren’t careful, but you won’t get a virus from the myspace website in general.
What you really want is someone like John Childs to come explain all the technical details right?
just get Facebook
ummm i dont know who john childs is but if he could do that that wuld be great
hahahaha i think i only know like 2 people that have a facebook lol
Like Forrest said, watch out for bad links. Sometimes youll see what looks like a youtube vid, that you click to start it playing, but instead, you click it, and that was just an image. The link ends up taking you to some ste, and some of those can not be trusted.
Watch out for phishing. Ever see those people who post about Macy gift cards, where they buy weed and drugs, and the sexual enhancers? Well, those are accounts have been phished, or made directly to spam.
A lot of people dont have common sense online, so when they click a link from site taking them to myspace to sign in, they think that that is fine. Most times though, that is not myspace you are going to, but it looks just like the login process. So people type in their password and stuff, hit enter, but it just send them to real myspace page. Most people never think about this. They just shrug it off, and login again.
By doing that, you just gave someone your password and e-mail. Now they use your account and spam around with it.
Just dont be stupid, you shouldn’t have to download anything from myspace to use it, except maybe the newest version of flash, and I think an active x control when uploading pictures, and both of those are good.
Just use common since online, and youll be fine.
Yeah but you can invite people once you get on it…and then more people join
I think your mum is very wise in trying to educate you in viruses.
Both the biological and the electronic kind.
Wait, what!?
You don’t know who John Childs is?
He is the Kofi Annan of the computing world.
If Kofi Annan was a coffee fiend, that is.
Yes. It rots your brain and damages your pancreas. Run far, far away from Myspace.
John Childs is our resident dictionary and encyclopedia regarding computer and electronics help.
its not even possible for myspace to give you a virus. you can only get a virus either if you open a file that has a virus or you download something with a virus. going on myspace is just a website. the only thing it can rly do is load images and media. as long as you don’t download some kinda suspicious file your fine. and ne ways, i sincerely doubt that myspace would even host any virus at all if it could, since that would give it a bad name and it can’t afford that since it does bring in millions, possibly billions of dollars.
He is also the best tango dancer on this forum.
I’m a MySpace virgin. I’ve never signed on there and never will. I only go there reluctantly if a band I’m interested in has a web page there. The young’uns here know more about MySapce than I do.
I do read about computer security issues and MySpace gets coverage in that press.
There are two things to watch out for on MySpace
- Phishing - people, links, and web sites trying to trick you in to divulging your MySpace account info
- Browser exploits embedded in MySpace web pages or in links from a MySpace page.
There have been cases of browser exploits being spread through MySpace postings and through advertisements on MySpace. There have also been cases of links on MySpace taking you to a site that tries to run a browser exploit. A successful browser exploit can infect your system with some flavour of malware (trojans, viruses, bad software, crap, etc.).
Protection from phishing is being smart and savvy enough to recognize when things are fake and are trying to trick you.
Protection from browser exploits means staying up to date on computer software updates and locking down your browser to be secure.
I’d recommend using FireFox on MySpace and setting the security options in FireFox to be as restrictive as you can manage.
Teens are walking STD distribution organisms. There have been some interesting studies done recently mapping out the sexual conquests and contacts at high schools. Here’s a discussion of one of the studies along with a graph showing the circle of contacts.
That graph should scare you away from doing the casual sex thing. It is real easy for STDs to spread in an environment like that. Your future significant other is going to like it a lot more if you don’t have to break the news to her that you’ve got the syphilis.
The graph is also interesting in that it shows some group bangin going on and some bb and gg action going on. I think I can pick out the cheerleader team in the graph. I wonder which dot is one of the teachers?
And just for fun, be sure to yell your Mom that having an account on this website is just as likely to give you a virus as having a myspace account is.
That’s essentially correct. But for the non-technical computer user it could be misleading. People tend to lump everything into the virus category when often what they really mean is malware, phishing, oblivious downloads and other ways your computer can be compromised on the Web. I would expect MySpace to be a great place for your computer to pick up eSTDs (electronic STDs).
That’s my plan as well. Far as I’m concerned, MySpace is the virus.