every lunch time at school i sit down and log on, i spent all lunchtime browsing + posting messages on the forums, i even eat my lunch while i’m chatting, just thought i’ll tell every1 bout when i use unicyclist.com
how do you?
every lunch time at school i sit down and log on, i spent all lunchtime browsing + posting messages on the forums, i even eat my lunch while i’m chatting, just thought i’ll tell every1 bout when i use unicyclist.com
how do you?
You seem to be posting a lot of threads that no one replies to.
At the moment I am trying to revise for GCSEs but it gets really boring, so I come here instead. I also post a lot quite late at night, when all the American people seem to be online.
good luck
good luck in your GCSE’s
hehehe, thnx
is anyone else on here meant to be revising for exams or am I alone in my work avoidance?
Re: my unicyclist.com life…
i don’t use the internet at home so i used to be able to snatch a couple of minutes in the morning and in the afternoon while at work
recently they installed cabling allowing us to access the web in the on-air as well as production studios and as my posting intensity increased, my productivity didn’t
i spend most of the three hours i’m on air, 09h00-12h00 CAT, cruising my way around the forums and for the rest of the afternoon i might pop in when things are a bit slow
foolish, you are not alone, i too come here to avoid revision, but i must go now, exam tomorrow, best do some more revision, my lack of work ethic is letting me down. Too many distractions available!!!
I’m avoiding work at the moment although my exams were long ago. At least I’m being paid while I write this… and this… and this. 4000 posts and I’ve got enough for a coker
This revising must be a UK use of the word. What does it mean to be revising for exams? Is it just another word for studying?
In the US we say that we are studying for exams or preparing for exams. I have never heard anyone say they were revising for exams.
when athletes prepare for a particular event, they’ll do their training for the required period and then, shortly before the event, they’ll reduce the amount of training and start ‘sharpening up’ for the event
revision is, in theory, something similar
it presupposes that the student did regular and ongoing studying thru-out the term and now simply needs to brush-up on the work as preparation for the exam
the work needs to be re-visited, or revised
i suspect the two words share a root
i’m in a food tec lesson in the computer room at the moment i’m supposed 2 be researching cheese production! ‘boring’
Yes, revising does mean studying, but it is more like jogging your memory of what you have already learnt and how to use it. Studying would imply that you don’t know the work in the first place.
Yep study leave…
Had Pure 1 and 2 (Maths) on Monday, and so am having a break today
Revision is boring
Re: my unicyclist.com life…
Wow, i do the same thing. People always asked if i could actually ride a uni. So i brought it to school one day and blew everyone away.
One of the little things I really love about using the muni as transport is that you arrive with evidence of your journey if it’s wet. If someone says “you’re a bit muddy” you can tell them your off-road unicycle doesn’t have a mudguard, and watch their reaction…
That’s what I would call reviewing for a test. Revising implies making corrections to the first draft of an essay or making corrections to some other work.