so yea…Im bored rhyming bout riding…
Ice or concrete
Ill alway’s be bustin in the street
From stairs to handrails
I kno one day ill take the bail
When I clear and feel the air
I can see that people stare
If I bust tech or old school
The people still think it’s cool
It’s like the street is my home, I feel like the king
when Im riding
fliping and busting
that’s what unicycling
is all about
yep I got bored … you ppl can add to it,laugh at me or whatever you feel like doing
thats goo cept i wopuld change “fliping and busting
that’s what unicycling is all about”
fliping and busting
that my friends is Unicycling
helpful suggestion : )
so all those comments are good !? Im suprised I dint get called a fag or something so far
i’ll try to lay down a fat beat to that. or phat beat. or whatever.
Then i’ll email or PM you and see how you like it. Then you can record it over with your voice, or get someone to rap it, or whatever, and we could have a unicycling anthem of sorts, that is, if you want.
The Dan had the best unicycle rap ever on his website…just written, not an mp3. but I think he should rap it and upload it.
we here in the MR should start composing a unicycle anthem.
and i agree about the unicycle rap on i loved that. and his new episode. Have you guys seen it?
i wrote one recently
picked up a uni and i gained acclaimed
dont play, you know my name is famed
jonny p does big tricks
thick chicks can dig this
other dudes can ride quickly
but can they jump, and spin it 360?
make fun of my uni though
ill put a shell in your head, say it to me yo
i aint fid’duh doubt your skills, but show me so
i believe you can ride, you know you owe me yo
lol…i just liked the first two lines. peace.
If you guys arew really interested in making a unicycling song, i can do all guitar work on it, or bass, or piano =p drums too, but i dont have a drumset, i would have to go over to a friends house.
Unless you wanna go more towards a rap style song, im not sure how i could help, but ill try =p
I could call you a taxi.
Whatever happened to the elegant well-crafted sonnet?
I wandered, lonely as a clown
That floats on high o’er sawdust ring
When all at once, I saw a crowd,
A host of dozy punters
Around the ring on every seat
Muttering and glancing at my feet
So I looked down with startled eye -
My shoelace had become untied
The end had caught between two spokes
This wasn’t going to be a joke -
The tall giraffe, the sudden fall
The crowd might laugh…
but then…
That’s all.
The “music” ( ) of today
-shifty eyes-
heh just kidding, it’s actually not that bad for the lyrics of a rap