My Unicycle Will Only Turn Left.

I remember as a child of some eight years old, laughing at the following silly joke.

“Mummy, why do I keep walking in circles?”
“Shut up, or I’ll nail your other foot to the floor.”

Maybe that primed me for this headline. I admit to feeling quite guilty after I was unable to stifle a giggle on reading this.

I’ll join you in the corner.

Having seen the (excellent) film, Best in Show, I too chuckle along.

It was recently on SA TV, I had the pleasure of introducing Beloved to this movie.

An absolute MUST-SEE, in the trueist sense of the word.

For some reason this made me think about not wanting to be the one legged man in the arse kicking contest:D

I wonder what Douglas Bader would have made of all this?

For those that don’t know of him, check out:

A quote from the man:
“Don’t listen to anyone who tells you that you can’t do this or that. That’s nonsense. Make up your mind, you’ll never use crutches or a stick, then have a go at everything. Go to school, join in all the games you can. Go anywhere you want to. But never, never let them persuade you that things are too difficult or impossible.”

I suspect he’d have made a pretty damn good unicyclist - legs or no legs.