reet. im starting a project for my last year of college in graphics and i need your help.
i want to do it unicycle related. what do u think i should do? promotion for a new unicycle, a uni dvd, uni event? what else could i do?
basicaly im gonna be making like a point of sale display, and promotion for the thing and anything else i be bothered to design and make.
any unicyclists who would wanna be my client for the project would be awesome. you would have to give me a specification for the design you want and give me feedback on the designs.
well I’m looking for a someone who would take the job of making a flyer that advertises my need for some voluteers for 5 weeks out of the summer, who can show up at a specific time every Wednesday, who can juggle and or unicycle, it needs to include my phone number to contact me, my email, and a map to the place (all of which I can provide) the dates are
July 9th through August 10th. I’ll Pm you my phone number and email I would also like it to include my Name, Madison Johnston. I don’t have the time that they need to show up yet so just say that is pending and that when they call I can give them more information.