So after a couple weeks of waiting for my new uni to arrive. A Torker cx. I finally received it in the mail and put it together.
It had been 15 years since I had ridden (what I thought at the time was a uni, I will explain). Well, At first, I tried to jump right on like I thought I remembered doing when I was a kid. Well, I wound up falling flat on my bum! haha!
After a few more tries, I managed to ride while holding onto the wall. After 30 mins I was able to get one or two rotations before falling over.
Well, the next day, today, I was quite determined! I ended up calling my brother, the uni I had ridden when I was a kid belonged to him. Well, it wasn’t a uni afterall. It was one of those skate bikes, Like a uni, but with two skateboard wheels on it as well.
Then I realized why it was so hard for me to ride the Torker, because I had no idea how to ride an actual Uni! Well, what better time to learn, right?
So today, I was determined. I went outside and started off getting 3 rotations before falling. After an hour I was going a good 200 feet before falling! It was awesome!!!
The only bad thing about it is the fact that my legs are sooo sore! I’m definitely using muscles I’m not used to using! haha! Isn’t it great? I’m so stoked!
Sooo… does anyone have any good tips for new riders? The biggest thing I am wondering is how do keep the uni going straight when you are pedaling? I find that with each pedal the uni will swerve slightly in that direction, then swerve back with the opposite foot. Is there a trick to smooth it out? And what’s the trick when you hit a dip in the pavement or a pothole. I find that as soon as I hit uneven pavement I lose it. I’m sure it is just a balance issue that will work itself out, but any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Im not entirely sure. But it sounds like you may be putting the majority of your weight on one pedal. The best thing to do is just practice practice practice. I am sure this habit will work itself out.
Yes, I have found that if I don’t give up and just keep going that it gets easier.
At first I would only get about 3-4 rotations off the wall before falling. half the time I didn’t even make it off the wall. As I kept trying it became much more consistent. Much easier to come off the wall and each time that I tried I would make it farther and farther down the driveway. Until I was able to go about 2-300 feet! Then I ran out of light, cuz by that time it was dark and I was running off the garage lights. I hit a bump I couldnt see and bam! haha! Guess I should stick to the daylight.
I swerved too when I was first learning to ride. It’s caused by putting more than enough weight on the pedals. What will straighten you out as you ride is putting most of your weight on the seat. Imagine it is a seat w/o pedals. That’s basically how much weight you want to put on the saddle. The pedals are only for propulsion. Good luck and keep up the learning! Learning is IMO the most difficult unicycle learning process. After you can learn to ride forward, everything else is just an optional ability (i.e. free mounting or idling).
Okay, that’s definitely what I am doing then. I thought you had to put most of your weight on the pedals, almost like standing. Next time I will try sitting on the seat more and we’ll see what happens.
Idling… how do you do that if the pedals keep moving? And how do you free mount? I tried unsuccessfully a few times.
Well for the pothole issue, what size is the cx wheel? If it is a 20" it will take a little longer to learn how to get past that. If it is a 24" wheel, then you reallly shouldn’t have any trouble once you really know how to ride consistantly. All it takes is pedaling faster and putting a little more muscle into it as you start to dip into the hole. Also, try to lean a little bit more forward than usual. It should take you right out of the hole.
The size of the wheel really determins how difficult it will be to get through the pothole. A smaller tire will require more effort, and a bigger tire will require less effort.
As for your weight on the pedals problem, its like sitting on a bike. You let the seat hold you up while you push the pedals around. Unicycling will however require more weight on the pedals than a bike will, but Its all about practise. Another reason you may be swerving is to try to maintain balance. You are probably leaning to far to the side of your dominant hand and or leg. Just keep it up. We all did it as a beginner.
I haven’t seen you around here before, so welcome to the forums, and good luck with riding!
Thanks for the great tips! As soon as I got home from work today, I was back outside trying to ride the uni again! Even though every muscle in my body is aching! haha. That will fade with time as I develop my uni muscles.
Well, I managed to get through the potholes by doing what you said above. Glad to see that I was doing the right thing!
The only thing that is really frustrating is not being able to free mount. I usually start with the seat in front of me, having one pedal slightly back, and as I step on the pedal the seat lifts me up, and while holding onto the wall I put my opposite foot on the other pedal, and then let go and take off. I cant imagine doing this without a wall to hold on to. There has to be something I am missing. Any help?
See my thread about learning to free mount. My first time trying to free mount, I practiced on grass b/c it provides much more friction than pavement, which gave me more control over the unicycle so I could get a feel for how to free mount. Read my thread. After you get the hang of free mounting on grass, then start practicing on pavement or concrete. I highly recommend using some shin guards when first learning b/c if you don’t execute mounting properly the pedal can slam into your poor shins. I simply bought a $6 pair of Adidas soccer shin guards and they protect my shins very well. Trust me when I say it kills when the pedals hit your shins. The amount of time it takes to learn varies from one individual to the next and how much effort you put into learning.
Just read it! Great info on there! I will definitely give it a try as soon as I can ride on uneven ground. I just started riding literally 2 days ago! I can already ride on pavement for about 500 feet before I need to turn and fall off. haha! Although, I can turn to the right, but i can’t turn to the left yet. I am right handed, so I guess that makes sense.
If I can’t ride on uneven ground with support while mounting, there is no way I can freemount on uneven ground yet. But knowing me, I am quite stubborn and very determined, I will probably be out on the lawn tomorrow giving it a try just to see what happens. then I will probably get fed up with myself because I can’t do it, and then really set my mind to it, and then all of a sudden do it like I had done it all my life. Yeah, I am pretty stubborn! haha!
I think after 30 mins the first day, 1hr and 30 mins the second day and 30 mins the third day, I’m doing pretty good so far! Definitely putting more weight on the seat has helped. And I’m making it through the little bumps in my driveway. My goal was to be able to ride to our barn, 500 feet away, and I managed to accomplish that goal today 3 or 4 times. Now I am going to attempt turning. I’m excited! I can’t wait until it is daylight so I can ride. I am definitely hooked!
My name is Patrick and I’m addicted to unicycling.
Lol, i have been unicycling for about 3-4 weeks i can free mount, i can ride down, up i can hop on the spot i can hob around i can almost get 180 degrees turn (not jumping and turning the seat) bit more than 90 atm lol. I Am so absolutely hooked rofl. What should i try next? i can’t get backwards when i try i get one rotation then swerve left or right then fall off its really annoying. I cant idle either still cant work that out. Whats a good trick? i broke one of the pedals off so atm i am currently only got the left pedal and i have been using the hole afternoon trying to ride with one peg. What i do is use the one peg to mount then put my feet on teh tire and push it forward i can get my feet about 4 times on the wheel before i fall over I cant stand not being able to ride