Does anyone have any idea on what I should do? I have a Club3d Radeon 9700 (non-pro) and a 28" widescreen TV. They’re connected with a s-video cable. When I try to watch movies (DVD, DivX etc.) with the TV, the creen is either a little bit blurry or it’s black and white. If I choose PAL-format (usually used atleast in most parts of Europe if I remember correctly) the picture is sharp and otherwise good, but black and white. If I switch to NTSC I get colors but the picture get’s a little bit blurry. Especially thin light colored stripes turn into a mess of green blue and red. There are some problems with getting colors right but I can usually handle them by adjusting the TV a bit.
With video capture I get a black and white video effect if I have the wrong input type set in the capture software. If I’m feeding the card a composite signal and the capture software is set for an S-video input then things look weird. Try fiddling with the input signal settings, try all combinations of options.
Another thing that can cause problems is Macrovision. If the capture drivers think they see a Macrovision signal the drivers may put lines or boxes over the video to keep you from copying the signal.
Try different WDM drivers. The WDM video drivers are what handle the video capture and display and they’re separate from the video driver. Try old versions and new versions. I had problems with certain versions of the WDM drivers for my Nvidia card. The newest WDM drivers didn’t work. I had to go back to some older versions before I found a version that worked with my card.
Umm, John, I’m not sure if I understood you right, but the problem is not on my computer’s TV-card. It works just fine. The problem is with the signal going out through the Radeon 9700. It just sends the same stuff you have on the monitor, to the TV.
have you tried changing the resolution around?
Found the problem. It was on the TV. The feature to choose the incoming signal type was hidden quite well. But now the picture is great. It’s just strange that the TV didn’t automatically recognise the s-video, even though it’s about a year old.