What a difference compared to the unicycle which I learned to ride on.
The old one was too short, the crank arms would bend, the fork mounts
could shift, the pedals would not rotate smoothly, etc. With the new
unicycle, all of the problems are gone.
At first it was a little scary going to a 24" from a 20". Considering
that now I could set the seat higher too…
Tonight I had at least twenty 50 meter rides. Most of them very smooth
and controlled. I am getting closer to being a level one… I think
free mounting will be more difficult on this one though…
Judging from my earlier post to this group, it’s been 10 days since I
was able to pedal freely
Before that, I spent probably an hour and a half (could be more, but it
doesn’t feel more than 6 or 7 15 minute sessions) in the front patio
holding to both sides and trying to balance myself on the seat. And a
few pedal strokes…
I will post pictures of the old and the new unis soon.
I had about the same situation, old uni and what not. I ordered a torker 20" but mine will not be here till monday. I have been riding for about a week and I think that I am a level 2 on a good day.