Okay, So I’m for the complete and total legalization of drugs… with many caveats.
Let me preface this by first stating that I do not, nor have I ever done any drugs, with the exception of caffeine, which I now abstain from. Not a single drink or toke or snort. Nothing. I would also like to state that I’ve seen the devastating effect of illegal drugs on a close friend, specifically a heroin addiction which came very close to killing the guy on more than one occasion.
I won’t go into a lot of details, but the drug war is costly and ineffective. Please read the wikipedia article http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_on_Drugs or look it up anywhere you like.
I believe that people should be responsible enough to decide on their own weather or not to use drugs. Of course when people cant be responsible about it, ie; driving under the influence of anything, becoming unmanageable in a public place, using while children are in their care, etc, the punishments should be harsh and swift.
Children (those under the age of 18) should not be permitted to use drugs,and people selling to kids or providing to kids should also meet with swift punishment. Kids who are caught using should be dealt with appropriatly, probably though some kind of moderated family setting.
This means that drugs can now be taxed and regulated. It means that drug cartels would no longer be profiting, which removes a lot of the violence from the drug world. It frees up a lot of space in our over crowded prisons, and allows police officers to concentrate on real crime (which would be reduced both because there would no longer be drug offenders and because there would no longer be the crime that rides the tails of the drug trade).
Think about it.