my skool is a dropout factory
but they say its not true
my skool is a dropout factory
but they say its not true
I think it is more of a cultural thing than anything, trying to make inuit live like white people. I have two friends who taught in Nunivit for two years and they loved being up there and loved the people they were working for (the inuit population) but ended up leaving because they couldn’t stand the attitude of the other people they were working with.
The whole “school dropout problem” is much more widespread then just Alaska and can be seen prety much everywhere north of the shield. I have another friend teaching in a Dene community in Northern SK and she is having simmilar experiences.
haha wtf theres not a hole lot of natives in wasilla there is some though, most of the natives are in anchorage cus thats a bigger city and there all homeless
All I can say for you is “stay in school.” If you’re a sophomore, you’ve got two more years to learn the difference between there, their and they’re, and also to learn not to make racist statements like you did in that same sentence.
ehh sorrry about that it wasnt ment to be a racial statement or anything i didnt even relize it sounded like that untill you said that,
but a intersesting fact for you i heard on the news a few years ago, that is 97% of homless people in anchorage are native
im a junior by the way