I’m a 55yo 300lb guy who wants to ride a unicycle again like I did in college 30+ yrs ago (and 100 lbs heavier to add to the fun!)
I built this with some 2x4s’ and 8" casters from Harbor Freight…
Let me just say that it works FANTASTICALLY and I’m psyched to Uni again! It’ll take awhile for me to Uni w/o the thing, but I’m progressing quickly and having a blast!
It’s 42"tall and 32" wide and deep.
My Uni is a SUN 20" Flat Top Extreme DX, $130 from Modern Bike…
Amazing! Good for you, that wood work good for riding backwards, and learning to hop, and riding out of the seat. Very Cool. I may make one for teaching new people. 5 star plus.
From what I’ve seen on this forum, people who take time off -even as many years as you did- tend to relearn it all pretty quickly, so I bet you won’t need that uniwalker invention of yours for long, and then what will you do with it? You might have done better to just buy some safety gear. On the other hand, it is pretty creative of you, and if I lived nearby, I’d probably want to borrow that thing to try and get over my apparent inability to learn one-footed riding and wheel walking. I have a book that shows a guy learning one-footed by hanging on to a broomstick held between two men, which I guess is a similar concept…
You have my respect and admiration for getting back to unicycling. Very cool. I wish you more success and fun than you can imagine now. The trainer was ingenious…
2x4’s and drywall screws – those are like legos for grown ups. Love it!
I started riding primarily for fitness and ended up loving it for its own sake. I did lose 10% of my weight in the first four or five months too. There are few better workouts than being shaky on a unicycle.
Welcome aboard from another rider who rode more 30 years ago then he has more recently, and who is also exactly 100 lbs. heavier than he was then too. I’ve been trying to get back into riding as one way to get some exercise. Tuning pianos does not give a guy any exercise whatsoever.
The only beginner I’ve trained with this is ME! And yes, I guess you could use it to train going backwards…
Something like this would be perfect for training groups…
I guess that a PVC take-down model could be made. This thing is huge and I have to put it on my roof rack to take it anywhere.
I don’t know why no one has ever marketed a rolling trainer like this. A lighter, more compact one, could be used semi-permanently for those who are afraid of falling or for older folks. I’m thinking that you could have a stomach pad on an extension and push it around hands free with your stomach for short distances…
That I might try…
I had to exchage a caster (you get what you pay for at Harbor Freight) so I’ll be trying it more over the next few days…
It’s fun and better than having a support only on one side as you roll… like using a wall or fence…
I love it. I also started back into unicycling after an almost 40 year break. I had been thinking about building a very similar trainer using conduit and a conduit bender. I planned to use large rollerblade style wheels on each leg, and was inclined to think they should not caster. Tough call on that.
Initially I just grabbed the seat and handlebars of my bike as a poor-man’s walker. That got me quickly back into riding - but I think I still might have to make it for learning to idle and ride backwards. Are you finding yours to be helpful? Do I need to make the wheels caster?
JustOneWheel had something kind of like it, I don’t think he sold any of them. I think it’s probably not worth selling as they can easily be built by someone with a drill and a saw. (Or even just some cheap pvc pipe as you have mentioned.)
Awesome it’s cool to see people getting into this wonderful sport! remember though to not rely on it to much, you need to relearn the balance so work on progressively taking you’re weight off of that as you ride, and you will be back to riding like a pro in no time!