My poor unicycle.. makes me SOO mad!

So I finally got my unicycle back from the shop for repairs on the hub, 2 days ago. I had been raining for the past like week so even when i got it back i couldnt really ride it. So it had finally stopped raining today… i go and go down the road a bit…just doodling along and then the whole thing drops down! and i go flying forward… Graceful upd:p and i look back and i see this! :astonished:

(ok not that exactly… cuzz thats when i brought it inside)

so yeah i was pretty ticked… i was having such a jolly time on my unicycle… that i havent ridden in like 2 months… and i get it back with a new rim, new cranks, and such… but the same tyre rubber part… it still had random marks i had put in it.

So i let all the air out… and it looks like the guy stretched the outer ruber part cuzz theres extra space between it and the rim… ug…

poor unicycle

poor you too

Looks like a normal blowout to me…Just pop the tube back into the tire and reset the tire into the rim. It may not have gotten set properly when the guy put it on for you. After youve set it pump it up slowly and watch the whole tire, both sides, for any spots that sit higher or lower than the rest. if it sits higher, tuck it back into the rim. If its sits to low, pull it up a bit. If after continued attempts to set it right, it doesnt set, then you may have a problem with your rim or tire. If all else fails take it to the LBS and have them look at it.


Thanks :slight_smile:

you just pop off the tyre and put a new $5 tube in it, not thaaat big a deal

$5NZ that is

Ug… ^^that bent to rim a guess… so… the LBS guy was like… youve had too much problems with that thing… so he gave me a new one… its TOTALLY different… and was quite and upgrade… cost like 30+ dollars more than what i payed for my other one… sweet… and yeah… now its a different color… its got a square fork thing, my other was rounded. and wonderful new cranks. and the wheel is thicker, and has more spokes… yay

The square fork is SOO much different than the rounded one… im not used to it… so i keep rubbing my calves against it… and yeah… weird… but practice practice practice… and ittle be fine!

It is unlikely that the tire was stretched. There are two sizes of 24" tire that I know of. The Schwinn 24x1-3/4" is not the same as the standard 24x1.75". I believe that the Schwinn 24x1-3/4" is larger in diameter. Perhaps you had a Schwinn wheel that was replaced by a standard 24" wheel and now the tire is too big.