My Poopcycle.

Well…I finally did it…I did a custom paint job on my unicycle frame.

I rename it: the Poopcycle.

I plan on changing it’s colour about once every two months when I get bored…


more like a custom paint job on masking tape :thinking:

Custom “paint” job.

yeah…I had time to kill…

btw, I hired a 5 year old to writte poopcycle on it.

dude rock on


I thought it looked like brown duct tape… But Owen insisted that it wasn’t… OH well, it’s still perdy cool lookin’!



She’s a beauty.

I thought it looked like tape as well.

In any case, it brings new meaning to the term “P.O.S.”


Good’un John!

Now that uni has character! Nice work. :slight_smile:


I’ve got plans for this baby…

here’s what I’m going to do:

A- paint the united saddle flesh colour.
B- paint the ass groove black
C- redo the whole “poo” effect"
D- paint the rim white
E- paint the spokes light blue…

this is going to be great!

This pleases me a great deal…

Finally, I got a chance to see the “Poopcycle”! When you first posted the picture, it came up so dark on my computer that I couldn’t even tell what you had done. For some reason, the picture is now clear as sh*t:D I like your originality, that ride is definately UNIque;)

AH! How Hidiously awsome!!! I must do that to my old freestyle, when my Muni gets here (and i get it back from my gf).

Where’s the updates?:stuck_out_tongue:

Why is ther no roll of toilet paper hanging under the seat?

hahaha someone rescuscitated this thread…

Well, I got so caught up in having a brown unicycle that i decided to leave it like that. Surely enough it’s BADLY scratched up now but that only adds to the gangster-feel.

I was planning on buying a new frame and powdercoating it brown but Darren said he couldn’t do it… I guess he only does colours he morally agrees with :stuck_out_tongue: .

You’ll get to see it get bashed up in the video I’m filming at the moment: “Body Movin’ 2” it’s going to have all the sweet sequelness of a sequel. but yeah… I have to get cracking on that, having been riding/filming much ever since I killed my rim.

this thread pleases me. :smiley:

HAHAHA. Was this on purpose, or did it just happen like that?

isin’t that how it’s spelled?

