My Ordination Ordeal

Since I was a pre-teen I have wanted to be able to perform weddings. Recently I was surrounded by drunken teenagers, though legal adults and I said to myself “Gee, wouldn’t it be funn if I married these two and they woke up the next morning husband and wife?”

So I went to the Universal Life Church to investigate how to be ordained. Convenietly, there is a process online. But it asks for your address but it is not secure.

Just wondering, does anybody know if the ULC site stores these things?

that’s got to be the kewlest reason to become an ordained minister i’ve ever heard!
:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
let me know how it goes, i might join u, father, or should that be brother?

I’d contact them.
If you dont want to use the website, see if you can apply by mail.

I heard many people apply by mail :slight_smile:
(dunno about where or who to apply to thou …)

I’m thinking of becoming a Cardinal, since they can give out a ton of titles (no pope, unfortunately).

Been there, done that… Already performed two weddings. I have the certificate on my office wall. Now go and sin n more.:smiley: