My operation

Some might know that i have been suffering from ankle problems for some time with doing acrobatics and trials, well now i know why! i have completly torn my crutial ligament from where it should be, so when i go down some streps on my unicycle the angle of my foot causes the ligament to pop out and cause some grief!

Well i eventually found out after about 8 months of when i last sprained my ankle. I will be going in for my operation or what ever they are going to do to it on the 30th of March, so i wont be going to Bjc but hopefully ill will have crutchs or what ever to get to Buc!

Then i can get back to making Unirogue 3 and also some good harcore acrobatics without the worry of my ligament popping out :smiley:


The crucial ligaments are located on the knee.

some surgery info

I hope the surgery goes well.

ACL history

Glad to hear it. I hope you recover well! I just watched Unirouge 2 the other day, so I’m definitely looking forward to Unirouge 3. Make sure to include some of those psycho freestyle moves you do.

Yes lots of people have said to my that the crutial ligament is in the knee but the ingury is deffintly in my ankle, i have some excess bone from when i cracked my ankle and it didnt stop healing which is the problem ive been having, also my balance on that leg for a while has been screwed and for a while hard to stand on that leg with eyes shut which is strange for me.

It sounds more like Arthroscopy Of The Ankle to me but im no doctor, ill ask them on the day, because if it is the crutial ligament of the knee ill have to kill myself if i cudnt do any more sports after that.

Yeh Jsm ill be putting it in because im better freestlyist than trials anyhow and trials just hurts! Also putting acrobatics and maybe some random juggling in.


You should FULLY understand what your going in for.

I can’t understand that you don’t …

Always seek a second opinion also.


Well i asked them wether i could do acrobatics still and the doctor said that it would be as good as new. Ill ring them up this weekend just to make sure, Bloody doctors!!


Best of luck for the opp mate, what ever they are going to do to you! :stuck_out_tongue:

Cya at BUC :slight_smile:


Hope the op goes well and your ankle is good after. I have terribly weak ankle ligaments that I’m always damaging (bad giraffe mount on Sat gave me another small limp) so I wear active ankles for Muni and I would for trials if I could jump :slight_smile: Get it fixed while you’re young, I should have.

And I was looking forward to you doing some acrobatic workshops at BUC again :frowning:

I hope that goes well for you and you don’t wind up with one leg shorter than the other like my Aunt Ethel.

Is your poor Aunt Ethel_The_Tree?

No, Aunt Ethel The Lop-Sided Bush.