My newspaper article

This is my newspaper article. I didn’t say a lot of those quotes, there are more typos than I have seen in any other article, and half of the facts are wrong, but there it is. I didn’t get this uni 3 years ago, I haven’t lived in every state, I said you have to know how to fall, and that was not even nearly the best photo. They had tire grabs down five sets, and they went with a 180 on flat. Also I look like a damn zombie in that photo. Oh well, at least I’m in the paper.

Student journalists just aren’t what they used to be.

There is at least nothing negative. Nice job.

Yeah, I’m glad that it was all positive.

You’re in the paper
Don’t complain

I disagree.

If someone misquoted me and made some ridiculous nonsensical claims about me, and then publicised them, I would be mildly unimpressed, too.

It would be some consolation that they thought they were doing a good thing, but it still makes them inept.

Great article, William. At least the wrong facts were not derogatory.

Did you really smash your face against a bench?

The author of that article is well on her way to being a successful and respected member of the American press.

That is very true.

ok, then change my post to “look on the bright sided of things”

“His favorite places to live were Hawaii and Australia.”

Did you really stay in Aus, or is that another misquote? If so, why did you like it?

I loved it when i stayed there.(although i’m not mr koebwil here)

it’s one of the greatest places i’ve ever been.

I lived there for about a year. It was pretty nice. The only problem is that it’s very dry.

I’d rather have australia dry (sounds like some liquor) then Baton Rouge humid…it sucks

cool article…a while ago some unicyclists in Moscow were in the paper, I wasn’t there though, and I’m glad I wasn’t because it was a really bad article too q-: no typos, but they made us sound like rejects from society, they called us “different.”

Mmmm, warm dry weather is the best kind.

I’ve noticed that whenever something comes out in the paper that I know a lot about, the article is always waaay off. It makes you wonder about how accurate all of their other stories are.

yeah, my rubiks cube article said I lubricate my cube with graphite, and I’m like, HUUUH, graphite lube is the WORST kind to use for a cube. actually, its not, but its bad stuff.

Dry ey? Where did you stay? We get a little rain…

I lived in Canberra.

They aren’t…that’s the problem
Koebwil, just sue…it’s the American way

That’s exactly what I should do, sue for slander. I guess they are still learning to be journalists, but seriously that was just badly written. They should become friends with the F7 button.