My new username

I just wanted to let y’all know about my new username; UniTyler. No, I’m not an alias, it’s really me, just with a different name. If ya don’t believe me you can ask the teacher…errrr…Gilby… :smiley: So, watcha think of it? Pretty insanely cool and original ain’t it?!? :wink:



nah, just kidding. welcome to the forums, again. it’s like you’re being reborn!!

"Hey everybody, look at my totally new, private name, that can in no way be linked with my former name, and therefore is totally, 100% safe! I’m so smart!


From what I can see, all of your posts are still there. What has changed is, the new screen name. Doesn’t seem to have made any difference. All of the information is still there.

the difference I belive is that his parents signed the form

of course it is, and he can’t change that now…there’s no way to delete the past posts. what he’s doing now is trying to not give any information away anymore, I’m sure we won’t be hearing his last name or his address or his parents names anymore.

I like it that the thread that has all his personal info is the one directly below this one. kinda ironic.

Hehe, cool.

Re: My new username

Unity would have been a good choice too. He who is as one with his posts.

Re: Re: My new username

duuude, I get it!! it’s either Unity, or Uni Ty!! wow, that is freaking clever.

HAHAHA this just gets better and better.:slight_smile: